Senin, 29 Juli 2019

09.22 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , , , , ,
Hi, Meet me again, I'm Syella, I will tell you about DAB Token, so check this out.

Bitcoin appears and then introduced in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto as open software. It has a mission to change trade goods and economics market with a new currency. All the benefit of bitcoin can be found in the blockchain technology. It offers some transaction advantage such as:
a. transparent platform
b. freedom
c. Its control
d. security

Like the explanation before that Bitcoin is included in the blockchain technology. This technology is a decentralized network based on a P2P network. The user can use it on many computers. That was different from a traditional network. After that, the technology grows lastly and bring it in the new level in a smart contract and also appears Ethereum.

The existing of blockchain user there is an innovation namely DAPPS or decentralized application. This innovation offers stability, high security, and transparency. Dabanking appears with a mission to competed utility blockchain. It is the environment of Dapps service with maximum user experiences. Dabanking focus on the development of the game system in Dapps. It explores how effective entertainment market and provides good service for the community.

The gaming market today is very potential. There is a report said that the use of the online game is almost three billion and the revenue is around one hundred dollars billion every year. Smart contract technology allows the user to receive items when they jump to the blockchain. The exchange of digital assets is easy with high liquidity. It reduces the cost for third parties. The payment security based on blockchain. There is a track of all type of digital assets.

There are some requirements if you want to try Dabanking, the first is to visit the website to begin your journey and get good service of Dabanking. The second is to install Metamask wallet in your PC and TrustWallet in the smartphone. The last is have available Ethereum in both of wallet. In this platform, there is also DAA token that has some distribution like ten percent for partnerships, sixty percent for miners, ten percent for marketing and twenty percent from the development of a product.


One of Dabanking product is Fomogame. What is Fomogame? It is available in Dapp system included in the Dabanking on the blockchain of Ethereum. Fomogame provides fairness and transparency for all game user. Fomogame also gives the user good experience in Dabanking system. There is also Fomojackpot, it is lottery program which uses blockchain technology inside Dapp game. A user of Fomojackpot has an opportunity to win the amount of 0,0002 Ethereum. Just joining Fomojacpot, the beginner will get rewards of Ethereum at low cost. Fomogame and DAB token system are two different systems. The user needs to register their account for every system. So, they will be able to use two platforms.

Dabanking tries to integrate two points, blockchain technology and game online market where both of them are very booming today. Many people play the game and the growth of blockchain technology can help people to get rewards from their game online.

More Information Visit the link below: 

Author: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1082840

Minggu, 28 Juli 2019

00.06 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,
Hai...Perkenalkan Saya Syella. Disini saya akan menjelaskan tentang Invech

Kapitalisasi setiap jenis mata uang kripto berbeda-beda. Semakin besar jumlah kapitalisasi satu jenis mata uang kripto, maka tingkat popularitasnya semakin besar. Hal ini dikarenakan kapitalisasi menunjukkan jumlah kepemilikan mata uang kripto secara keseluruhan. Berikut ini beberapa jenis mata uang kripto dengan kapitalisasi terbesar:

1. Bitcoin
Bitcoin menjadi mata uang kripto terbesar dan paling populer, sehingga Bitcoin dapat disebut sebagai pemimpin koin kripto saat ini. Pergerakan harga yang terjadi pada Bitcoin juga mempengaruhi pergerakan harga pada jenis mata uang kripto yang lain. Kapitalisasi Bitcoin sudah lebih dari $125 miliar. Harga Bitcoin pun sudah mencapai lebih dari $7000 atau Rp100.000.000, sedangkan untuk jumlah Bitcoin yang sudah beredar mencapai 17,1 juta BTC. Sebelumnya, Bitcoin sempat berada pada masa keemasannya. Saat itu harga Bitcoin hampir mencapai $20.000 atau Rp300.000.000. Harga tersebut sempat turun tajam hingga akhirnya bisa naik kembali.

2. Ethereum
Posisi kapitalisasi terbesar jatuh pada Ethereum. Ethereum menjadi pelopor munculnya proyek ICO atau penawaran koin baru lebih awal. Kapitalisasi dan harga Ethereum memang tidak sebesar Bitcoin. Kapitalisasi Ethereum hanya sebesar $50 miliar dengan harga sekitar $500. Harganya yang rendah membuat jumlah Ethereum yang beredar lebih banyak dari Bitcoin yaitu 101 juta.

3. Ripple
Ripple atau yang disingkat XRP berada di posisi ketiga dengan kapitalisasi terbesar. Total kapitalisasi Ripple lebih dari $19,8 miliar. Harga koin Ripple jauh lebih kecil daripada harga Bitcoin dan Ethereum, yaitu sebesar 50 sen. Walau demikian, jumlah peredaran Ripple di pasar termasuk besar lebih dari 39 miliar.

Selain ketiga jenis mata uang kripto tersebut, terdapat ribuan jenis mata uang kripto lain yang dapat Anda miliki. Salah satunya adalah Invech koin atau IV. Invech koin merupakan token yang digunakan dalam platform Invech. Invech koin terbuat dari Ethereum dengan standar ERC20, standar yang paling umum digunakan.

Dua masalah utama yang sering dihadapi negara adalah sumber daya manusia yang tidak memadai dan mumpuni serta tingkat ketimpangan yang sangat tinggi. Invech diciptakan untuk menjadi solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Invech merupakan platform pertukaran mata uang kripto. Namun, tidak semua jenis mata uang kripto tersedia di Invech. Invech hanya menyediakan beberapa jenis saja yaitu Bitcoin, Ethereum, dan Tether. Mata uang fiat juga disediakan oleh Invech seperti USD, IDR, dan HKD. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, Invech akan terus menambah jenis mata uang kripto dan fiatnya.

Invech telah mendapat lisensi dan disahkan oleh pemerintah Timor Leste. Dari segi keamanan, situs Invech dan kegiatan pertukarannya setara dengan Crypto Currency Security Standard (CCSS), standar untuk kegiatan pertukaran dan perusahaan besar dengan menggunakan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi (ISMS) ISO 27001. Oleh karena itu, keamanan Invech telah terjamin.


Dengan berbagai fitur yang diciptakan, Invech memiliki keunggulan yang dapat membedakannya dari para kompetitor dan membuat Invech semakin berpeluang mendapat kepercayaan Anda seperti:
  • Penawaran harga terbaik
  • Tersedia beberapa dompet
  • Buku pesanan yang lengkap
  • Sistem yang terintegrasi
  • Berbagai bahasa yang tersedia
  • Tersedia penarikan mata uang fiat
Platform Invech tersedia dalam banyak perangkat seperti web, Android, IOS, HTML5, Windows, dan REST API. Jadi tunggu apalagi? Dengan membeli Invech koin atau IV, berbagai keuntungan akan Anda dapatkan. Manfaatkan Invech sekarang juga.

Informasi Lebih Lanjut, Silahkan Kunjungi link dibawah ini: 

Penulis: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1082840

Selasa, 23 Juli 2019

13.49 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,
Hai...Perkenalkan Saya Syella. Disini saya akan menjelaskan tentang Invech

Terdapat berbagai negara yang memiliki mata uang berbeda. Hampir sebagian besar, khususnya negara dengan penduduk atau wilayah yang besar, mereka mengatur sendiri mata uangnya. Walau demikian, ada pula beberapa negara yang menggunakan mata uang dominan seperti Dolar atau Euro. Mata uang merupakan alat tukar-menukar yang telah disepakati dan dapat digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Semua hal mengenai mata uang sudah tercantum dalam peraturan di masing-masing negara.

Amerika Serikat merupakan negara paling maju di dunia. Kegiatan perdagangan baik jasa maupun barang paling banyak dilakukan oleh Amerika. Penduduk Amerika pun termasuk yang paling banyak dan sudah menyebar ke berbagai benua. Oleh karena itu, mata uang Amerika Serikat atau Dolar Amerika Serikat menjadi mata uang yang paling umum digunakan, sehingga dijadikan acuan dalam nilai tukar. Tidak hanya Dolar Amerika Serikat, ada pula mata uang Dolar negara lain misalnya Dolar Singapura.


Mata uang kripto atau yang dikenal dengan cryptocurrency berbeda dengan mata uang fiat yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya. Mata uang ini tidak dimiliki oleh negara mana pun karena sifatnya terdesentralisasi. Mata uang kripto juga terdiri dari ribuan jenis yang dapat diperdagangkan oleh semua orang setiap saat melalui marketplace mata uang kripto. Fungsi mata uang kripto sama dengan mata uang fiat yang dimiliki setiap negara. Dengan menggunakan teknologi Blockchain, mata uang kripto dirasa lebih memiliki keunggulan jika dibandingkan dengan mata uang fiat misalnya mempercepat dan meminimalisasi biaya transaksi. Berbagai marketplace dapat Anda pilih sebagai tempat menyimpan dan bertransaksi jual beli mata uang kripto, salah satunya adalah Invech.


Invech merupakan platform yang berfungsi sebagai alat pertukaran mata uang kripto. Invech berada di bawah naungan Invech Grup dan mendapat lisensi serta disahkan langsung oleh pemerintahan Timor Leste. Dengan menggunakan token yang bernama Invech Koin atau Invech IV, Invech termasuk platform jenis ERC20. Misi Invech dalam lingkup sempit adalah menciptakan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan dengan teknologi cerdas di berbagai negara, khususnya Timor Leste. Dengan begitu, negara-negara tersebut akan menjadi negara Blockchain.


Hambatan pasti akan ditemui dalam setiap proses, termasuk Invech. Kurangnya modal manusia dan ketidakmerataan atau ketimpangan menjadi dua masalah utama yang harus diselesaikan Invech. Tidak hanya sumber daya manusia yang tercukupi, dari segi kualitasnya pun perlu diperhatikan. Selain itu, ketidakmerataan dan ketimpangan datang karena sebagian besar pendapatan negara berasal dari segilintir rakyat menengah ke atas. Walau demikian, Invech juga mendapatkan peluang yang cukup penting seperti kualitas pendidikan yang cukup baik dan tidak adanya mata uang nasional di Timor Leste.


Dengan berbagai fitur yang diciptakan, Invech yakin mampu meraih misi yang telah ditetapkannya, yaitu:
  1. Penawaran harga terbaik
  2. Tersedia beberapa dompet
  3. Buku pesanan yang lengkap
  4. Sistem yang terintegrasi
  5. Berbagai bahasa yang tersedia
  6. Tersedia penarikan mata uang fiat
Dari segi keamanan, situs Invech dan kegiatan pertukarannya setara dengan Crypto Currency Security Standard (CCSS), standar untuk kegiatan pertukaran dan perusahaan besar dengan menggunakan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi (ISMS) ISO 27001.

Invech tersedia dalam berbagai perangkat, sehingga penggunanya dijamin tidak akan kesulitan menggunakan platform ini yaitu web, Android, IOS, HTML5, Windows, dan REST API. Segera dapatkan Invech Koin atau Invech IV dan gunakan Invech sebagai platform pertukaran Anda.

Informasi Lebih Lanjut, Silahkan Kunjungi link dibawah ini: 

Penulis: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1082840
00.59 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , , , ,
Hi, Meet me again, I'm Syella, I will tell you about AuditChain, so check this out.

The audit is one of the activities that must be carried out by all companies or institutions at the end of each period. Although it takes a long time and many costs, this activity is very important because it is related to finance. The importance of audit activities makes the company or institutions continue to look for ways to audit as efficiently as possible.

The level of difficulty in audit activities depends on the financial data held by each company or institution. In addition, the different ability of each auditor also makes the level of differentiation is also higher. In fact, the final results of audit activities are very important and can be used as income by many parties.

Auditchain's Solution

Using blockchain technology, Auditchain was created to help companies or institutions conduct more efficient audits. With a balance sheet, income statement, low cash, and a report of changes in the shareholders' equity reports that are real-time, Auditchain will make the results of a company's audit better than the auditor. This solution is supported by tokens used in the Auditchain platform, the token is called AUDT.

Technology stack

The technology stack contained in Auditchain consists of several layers, namely basic protocols, smart GAAP, IFRS and GAAS contract layers, application layers, real-time audit layers based on financial statements, audit analysis, and layers presenting statistical reports.


DCARPE ™ is a program created by Auditchain so that a company or institution can carry out its own audit activities without the need for additional auditor services. DCARPE ™ implementation will efficient the audit activities and minimize costs. This is because DCARPE ™ uses smart contracts that have been adjusted to the "STAT" accounting standard. SSAE 18 and IASE 3402 standards also apply so that the benefits of Auditchain are maximally accepted by all companies or institutions. DCARPE ™ also allows each block and audit results to be more preventative. The ecosystem that occurs in Auditchain can be seen in the image below. Every transaction will pass verification and certification, so security is guaranteed.

3. Audit Committee Resolution
Even if you can conduct your own audit activities with Auditchain, someone that will be asked to provide information on the Auditchain platform is still needed. The Audit Committee is the only person who has the greatest authority in audit activities using Auditchain. Every company or institution must choose one audit committee that will give all digital identities needed by Auditchain.
The company must pay a fee for this digital identity activities. The capacity to access digital identities of companies or institutions is very limited and each party has different capacities. This cost is cheaper compared to the costs that must be incurred by the company or institutional if they do audit activities by the audit manual.

The superiority of Auditchain that is able to make audit activities more efficient makes this platform must be used by all companies or institutions. With Auditchain, not only audit activities, the operational activities of companies or institutions will be more efficient.

More Information Visit the link below: 


Author: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1082840

Senin, 22 Juli 2019

17.42 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,
Hi, Meet me again, I'm Syella, I will tell you about Iskra, so check this out.

Inequality becomes the main factor in the creation of ISKRA. The fact mentioned that many smartphones in the world, but It didn't make people able to access health services and caused 11 million children to die each year in the world. Many people use their smartphones to buy goods through social media or marketplace. However, there has never been a guarantee of the security of the transaction. The risk-on society is even greater with easier internet access.

Therefore, the ISKRA team succeeded in creating a system for health services special for children, without fundraising. The awareness of the facts above previously made the ISKRA team creates a project that would make smartphones used by society better. This project is called Lucem Project with CCOH (Crypto Coin of Hope). CCOH can be used to procure medical equipment backed up with diamonds so that security is guaranteed.

Lucem Project and Crypto Coin of Hope

The Lucem Project is a project created by the ISKRA team to help children by buy and deliver medical equipment. Project Lucem uses CCOH as a 'payment tool' used on the ISKRA platform. So, Project Lucem is a unit with CCOH, but CCOH isn't just Lucem Project.

Not only health services, but CCOH also gives benefits to many other fields such as the gold industry, vote for rights, and the health manufacturing industry. With the standard ERC20 system, CCOH has a limited number. CCOH is able to become a bridge of a bright future because it uses Blockchain technology.

At present, Blockchain is very well known and is of concern to many parties. This is because the benefits provided by Blockchain are so large and able to support the needs of many people's lives in the future. Blockchain is not bureaucracy, but decentralized technology, the purpose of Blockchain technology is self-made and can't be reined by other parties.


ISKRA has 4 main principles in its platform, which are win-win, fast and convenient, accessible and safe, honest and profitable. Its basic principles can display the ISKRA platform in an outline, so users can use this platform more easily. With the purchase of diamonds that are for rings or necklaces, you have set aside money for child health services. You no longer need to use coins to donate. Each of these diamonds, of course, has a GIA certificate and use a price list from RAPAPORT international. Purchased diamonds can be exchanged in ordinary stores.

Voting System at ISKRA

The ISKRA team also opens cooperation in voting activities that may be carried out by the government or company. The way to do it is the same, everyone who votes through the ISKRA platform will automatically donate to the provision of health equipment to help children. The procedure used by ISKRA is very unique, no other company has used this procedure.

ISKRA's Future

The ISKRA team is confident in ISKRA's brilliant future. This is because the target user of the ISKRA platform reaches 300 million users. To achieve this target, registration of shops by the public that carried out at the time ISKRA will launch free. The application of business partner criteria called "HBP" (honest business partners) makes all cooperation with ISKRA more secure. In addition, there are 7 ways that ISKRA has prepared to build good business relationships. This is for ISKRA's progress in the future and is one of the advantages that ISKRA has.

So many benefits that ISKRA has that will benefit you. There is no reason for you not to use the ISKRA platform. With ISKRA, you and others, especially children, will be helped. The following below is the ISKRA road map to make you easier to purchase the ISKRA token (CCOH).

More Information Visit the link below: 


Author: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1082840
17.29 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,
Hai...Perkenalkan Saya Syella. Disini saya akan menjelaskan tentang Invech

Sejak awal kepopulerannya pada tahun 2009 lalu, mata uang kripto semakin memiliki banyak pengguna. Semua pengguna mata uang kripto tersebar di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia. Walau demikian, tidak sedikit negara yang membatasi hingga melarang penggunaan mata uang kripto oleh warga negaranya. Tidak hanya pengguna, jumlah jenis mata uang kripto pun selalu bertambah setiap tahunnya. Hingga saat ini sudah ada lebih dari 2 ribu jenis mata uang kripto.

Sejarah Mata Uang Kripto

Mata uang kripto merupakan salah satu jenis mata uang berbasis digital yang dibuat dan didapatkan dengan menggunakan teknik kriptografi. Mata uang kripto pertama kali diciptakan oleh David Chaum, dengan perusahaannya yang bernama DigiCash. Saat itu Chaum belum berhasil memberikan kesuksesan pada mata uang kripto hingga pada tahun 2009 Satoshi berhasil melalukannya. Satoshi Nakamoto merupakan seseorang atau sekelompok yang menciptakan Bitcoin.

Terdapat 3 kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dengan mata uang kripto yaitu menambang, berinvestasi, dan alat pembayaran transaksi.
  • Menambang
Menambang merupakan kegiatan untuk mendapat tambahan supply mata uang kripto. Individu yang melakukan kegiatan menambang disebut sebagai penambang. Penambang akan mendapatkan mata uang kripto ketika berhasil memecahkan soal-soal matematika dengan benar. Semakin sulit tingkat soal, semakin banyak koin yang didapat.
  • Berinvestasi
Berinvestasi menjadi kegiatan paling umum yang dilakukan pengguna mata uang kripto. Hampir seluruh pengguna menggunakan mata uang kripto sebagai alat investasinya. Investasi dilakukan untuk mendapat keuntungan.
  • Alat pembayaran
Sebagai mata uang, kripto memiliki fungsi utama sebagai alat pembayaran. Walaupun masih banyak negara yang melarangnya, namun penggunaan mata uang kripto sebagai alat pembayaran tetap diminati para pengguna. Hal ini karena manfaat yang diberikannya besar.


Invech merupakan salah satu platform yang dapat membantu kegiatan Anda dalam menggunakan mata uang kripto. Termasuk dalam grup Invech, keamanan Invech telah terjamin karena telah mendapat lisensi dan disahkan oleh pemerintah Timor Leste. Invech dapat digunakan dengan Invech koin atau IV yang terbuat dari teknologi Ethereum berstandar ERC 20. Dengan Invech, Anda dapat melakukan kegiatan investasi sekaligus sebagai alat pembayaran.

Invech sadar akan permasalahan yang sedang terjadi saat ini. Sumber daya alam yang kurang memadai dan ketidakmerataan ekonomi yang begitu jelas terlihat, menjadi masalah umum yang biasa terjadi di negara berkembang seperti Timor Leste. Oleh karena itu, Invech telah bekerja keras menjadi solusi atas permasalahan tersebut dengan memberikan fitur terbaiknya seperti:
  1. Penawaran harga terbaik
  2. Tersedia beberapa dompet
  3. Buku pesanan yang lengkap
  4. Sistem yang terintegrasi
  5. Berbagai bahasa yang tersedia
  6. Tersedia penarikan mata uang fiat
Keenam fitur yang dimiliki Invech sekaligus menjadi keunggulan yang mampu membedakan Invech dengan kompetitornya.

Misi Invech

Selain keunggulan, setiap perusahaan tentu dibangun dengan misi yang harus dicapai demi tujuan utamanya. Invech memiliki beberapa misi yang akan membantunya dalam mewujudukan ekonomi keberlanjutan dan menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang mumpuni, di antaranya yaitu:
  1. Memperkenalkan mata uang alternatif kepada warga
  2. Meningkatkan investasi asing langsung, sehingga tingkat penggangguran berkurang
  3. Menciptakan crowdfunding yang terkontrol dengan baik
  4. Berkontribusi dalam bidang pariwisata dan pertanian di Timor Leste dan meluas ke negara lain
  5. Menjadi konsultan pemerintah mengenai Blockchain dan teknologi
  6. Berkontribusi dalam peningkatan pendidikan dan mata pencaharian
Invech percaya dapat memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap pembangunan sebuah negara, khusunya dalam industri keuangan. Segera dapatkan Invech koin Anda sekarang juga!

Informasi Lebih Lanjut, Silahkan Kunjungi link dibawah ini: 

Penulis: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1082840

Minggu, 21 Juli 2019

22.38 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,
Hai...Perkenalkan Saya Syella. Disini saya akan menjelaskan tentang Invech

Industri keuangan menjadi salah satu industri paling besar di berbagai negara. Oleh karena itu, kontribusi pendapatan yang berasal dari industri keuangan ke negara juga besar. Sebagian besar industri keuangan bergerak dalam bidang jasa, bukan barang. Tugas utamanya adalah melakukan pengelolaan dana individu maupun perusahaan. Beberapa perusahaan yang bergerak di industri keuangan yaitu bank, perusahaan asuransi, perusahaan kartu kredit, perusahaan pembiayaan konsumen, sekuritas, perusahaan fintech dan lainnya.

Mata Uang Kripto

Selain perusahaan tersebut, baru beberapa tahun belakangan ini, industri keuangan dihebohkan dengan kepopuleran mata uang kripto. Mata uang kripto atau yang lebih dikenal dengan cryptocurrency merupakan mata uang digital dengan teknik kriptografi. Mata uang kripto dijalankan dengan menggunakan teknologi Blockchain, sebuah teknologi yang bersifat terdesentralisasi, sehingga semua data akan terkumpul dalam satu sistem dan tidak ada yang bisa mengintervensinya.
Mata uang kripto terdiri dari ribuan jenis koin kripto dan akan bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu. Selain jenis mata uang kripto, marketplace tempat pertukaran mata uang kripto pun jumlahnya cukup banyak. Marketplace tersebut berpusat di berbagai negara dengan kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing. Salah satu tempat pertukaran mata uang kripto yang bisa Anda percaya kan adalah Invech.

Invech Cryptocurrency Exchange

Invech merupakan platform pertukaran mata uang kripto yang berada di bawah naungan Invech Group. Telah mendapat lisensi dan disahkan langsung oleh pemerintah Timor Leste, Invech memiliki misi besar dalam memajukan perekonomian Timor Leste dan negara lain. Walaupun baru berjalan beberapa tahun, keamanan Invech sangat terjamin, sehingga Anda tidak perlu ragu menjadikan Invech sebagai dompet mata uang kripto Anda.

Invech Token atau IV

Token merupakan koin yang wajib dimiliki apabila ingin menggunakan Invech. Token Invech diberi nama koin Invech atau IV. Koin Invech terbuat dengan standar ERC20, salah satu standar token paling tinggi dan paling banyak digunakan. Token Invech menggunnakan teknologi Ethereum dan dibuat sebanyak 500.000.000 unit. Selain IV, Invech juga menyediakan beberapa daftar token lain yaitu Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, dan Invech koin sendiri. Selain token, ada pula daftar mata uang fiat yang tersedia di Invech seperti USD, HKD, dan IDR. Daftar token dan mata uang fiat tersebut akan bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu.

Misi Invech

Invech dibangun tentu dengan tujuan yang harus dicapainya. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut, diperlukan misi sebagai tujuan-tujuan kecil untuk mencapai tujuan utama Invech. Misi yang akan dicapai oleh Invech yaitu:
  1. Memperkenalkan mata uang alternatif kepada warga
  2. Meningkatkan investasi asing langsung, sehingga tingkat penggangguran berkurang
  3. Menciptakan crowdfunding yang terkontrol dengan baik
  4. Berkontribusi dalam bidang pariwisata dan pertanian di Timor Leste dan meluas ke negara lain
  5. Menjadi konsultan pemerintah mengenai Blockchain dan teknologi
  6. Berkontribusi dalam peningkatan pendidikan dan mata pencaharian
Keunggulan Invech

Apabila Anda masih ragu dengan kemampuan Invech, setelah mengetahui apa saja yang menjadi keunggulan Invech, keyakinan Anda terhadap Invech akan bertambah. Dengan fitur yang ditawarkan, Invech memiliki beberapa keunggulan di antaranya yaitu:
  •  Penawaran harga terbaik
  • Tersedia beberapa dompet
  • Buku pesanan yang lengkap
  • Sistem yang terintegrasi
  • Berbagai bahasa yang tersedia
  • Tersedia penarikan mata uang fiat
Invech tersedia dalam berbagai perangkat yaitu web, Android, IOS, HTML5, Windows, dan REST API. Segera percayakan Invech sebagai dompet dan media pertukaran mata uang kripto Anda.

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Penulis: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1082840

Kamis, 27 Juni 2019

13.19 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,
Hi, Meet me again, I'm Syella, I will tell you about BCNEX, so check this out.

Digital assets and blockchain are having a major impact on the real economy. With the increasingly mainstream use of blockchain, existing solutions are increasingly limited. Current platforms can be grouped into 2 categories. Fiat exchanges and pure crypto exchanges. The disadvantage of fiat exchanges is that they are simplified in making them so they don't educate users. The disadvantage of pure crypto exchanges is that it is very difficult for new users to use because there are many things that are difficult to understand.

Our development focus is in the second category, pure crypto exchanges. Even though the number of pure crypto exchanges is still small, we believe that number will increase compared to the use of blockchain and cryptocurrencies which are getting bigger. We believe that these exchanges will play an important role in the world of economy. The solution we will offer is called: Bcnex.

Bcnex exchange is built on blockchain technology using best practices from high-performance application development. Application makers are also very experienced in finance. Each API function is checked first to test speed and reliability. The platform is also equipped with auto-scaling technologies.


The following are some of the problems that will be handled by Bcnex:

1. Weak technical architecture
Many exchanges employ expert developers who are very strong in the IT technical field but do not have the ability in the financial field. As a shortcut to paying cheap and making a lot of money, these exchanges still employ them. Although the platform can run, in fact, the platform will be disrupted if transaction traffic increases. Bcnex will solve this problem by applying for a great team that is both technical and financial.

2. Lack of security
Statistics show that hundreds of exchanges were closed due to attacks by criminals and viruses. In 2017 and 2018, there is a total loss of $ 882 Million due to lack of security. Bcnex is designed with high-security standards and difficult unauthorized access to the system.

3. Low market liquidity
The purpose of centralized exchanges is to achieve high liquidity, helping investors to trade, buy and sell decisions. However, this goal is not achieved more. With unpredictable financial results for investors, this can minimize transactions and make low market liquidity.

4. Poor customer service
There are many cases of poor customer services in the cryptocurrencies exchange platform. For example, the length of time for withdrawals, login issues, unanswered complaints, and non-existent documentation. Based on research, 52% of customers will not return to buy goods/services in stores/companies that serve poorly.


The following are the solutions offered by Bcnex:

1. The BCOMS Order Matching System
BCOMS guarantees the buy and sell orders of the exchange is matching. This is a very important component to maintain proportion and precision on this platform. This system makes Bcnex the fastest exchange platform in the world.

2. Multi-layer security architecture
Bcnex has instilled the value of security since in mind. Therefore, Bcnex develops robust firewalls, anti-DoS tools, and multiple user alerts.

3. Solution to liquidity
The teams behind Bcnex have experience in the field of forex trading. They are used to dealing with liquidity and latency trading architecture problems. Interestingly, they always succeed in solving these problems. So, there is nothing to doubt about this team.


The following is a detailed explanation of the BCNX Token:



More Information Visit the link below: 


Author: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1082840

Selasa, 30 April 2019

11.51 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,
Hi, Meet me again, I'm Syella, I will tell you about Gooreo ico, so check this out.

Job seeking is an activity commonly performed by students who have just graduated from college. After getting a lot of knowledge on the lecture bench, they now have to apply it in the world of work. There are many challenges they will face. Starting from the tight competition, nepotism in giving jobs, to the rise of job fraud. So, we can say that finding work for graduate students is quite difficult.

Fortunately, there is a platform that will help graduate students to find work quickly, safely, and comfortably. Gooreo is a decentralized job seeker platform that will help newly graduated students, students from the near-graduation, and society to get jobs that match their desires and qualifications. Not only that, but this platform is also petrified of the owners of companies and institutions to obtain reliable and quality workers.

How does it work?

  • Every student needs to register first in the Gooreo application, then enter their CV or resume
  • Companies and institutions that open job openings will announce it in the Gooreo application
  • Gooreo will send e-mails to every student whose scientific field and area matches the company that is opening a job
  • Students selected by the company or institution concerned will be notified by the Gooreo application
  • The Gooreo company and application will provide ratings to students who have been recruited. The rating is divided into 3, namely good, average, and excellent.


There are many parties who benefit from Gooreo, including the following:

1. Students
Students definitely want to apply the knowledge they have obtained from lectures. Therefore, Gooreo ensures that students will get job openings in accordance with their scientific fields. So, students will not be trapped in work that is not in accordance with the majors. In addition, students will also be given feedback after work, namely rating by the company and Gooreo itself. This rating describes the intelligence and work ethic of students. This is very useful in applying for jobs.

2. Employers
The company owners usually spend a lot of money and time looking for the right workers. With Gooreo, say goodbye to the problem. Because the Gooreo algorithm will sort the best prospective workers for your company. So, you don't need to spend a lot of money and time on recruitment.

3. Society
Gooreo will help hire many people and minimize unemployment. This will greatly benefit the economy of the community at large. Because, the more people who work and make money, the faster the movement of the economy of the community.


Gooreo is a platform that has noble goals, wants to simplify the job seeking process for students while making it easier to find quality workers for the company. This platform is based on blockchain Ethereum that can maintain the security of the data of the users so that there is no data collapse. So what are you waiting for? Come on, use the Gooreo job search application!


Here are the details of the Gooreo token, i.e.


The following is the Gooreo roadmap, namely


Here follows the great team behind Gooreo, namely

More Information Visit the link below: 


Author: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1082840

Kamis, 31 Januari 2019

07.04 Posted by Pars No comments

Hi, Meet me again, I'm Syella, I will tell you about Udap ico, so check this out.

Udap is really a blockchain service which lets you create decentralized software and tokenize any resources without even writing complex contracts that are smart.

The team chose to produce the growth of smart contracts and also tokenization of resources offered to the typical user.

Along with their universal pocket for both bookkeeping and direction of distinct assets could turn into a highly effective tool for financial direction.

We utilized to programmers of fresh block-chain services or platforms criticizing Ethereum because of its low rate, vulnerability, and also"clumsiness" of their digital machine (EVM), that your Udap team additionally believes outdated in contrast to Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and JavaScript v 8. Additionally, Ethereum comes with a limit about the programming language-only Solidity, that disrupts the progress of software for inexperienced developers.

Why UÐAP is so important?

The idea here is to solve the problems by adopting and using state channel technology.

For example, the issue of scalability can be tackled because the technology treats blockchain as the dispute adjudication platform that normally is involved in the minute-by-minute operations, but only plays its role when contracts need to be executed and very important assets need to be protected.

By leveraging state channel, transactions can run remotely off blockchain and with this arrangement cost is drastically cut down.

In addressing the concerns often raised regarding privacy, UDAP gives users the technology to control the visibility of their assets.

Finally, as it concerns the degree of responsiveness, the platform by leveraging state channels would enable blockchain supported applications to provide the best possible UX in addition to a number of special features of decentralized ledgers.

It should be noted that UDAP does not in any way represent a generic State Channel framework. It is rather an implementation of State Channels that are guided to the applications that deal with non-fungible assets.

UPX Token 

UDAP Foundation issues the UDAP token (also known as UPX token). UPX tokens are used to make deposits required to become a UDAP service consumer. Transaction fees, gas payments (i.e. smart contract execution fees) and persistent storage payments are also usually collected in UPX tokens.
UPX tokens are implemented using the Ethereum ERC20 standard. The Total Supply is 10,000,000,000.UPX tokens can be acquired in the following ways: Token Distribution Event (TDE) Purchase of UPX tokens from secondary markets, such as cryptocurrency or token exchanges Airdrop (this method is intended as a means of popularizing the UDAP).

Token Details

Token - UPX
Platform - Ethereum
Type - ERC20
PreICO price 1 UPX = 0.0164 USD
Price in ICO - 0.0083 USD
Tokens for sale - 4,000,000,000

ሆ Q4 2017 - RESEARCH COMPLETED, Coding started, Core Team built up.
ሆ Q1 2018 - UDAP FOUNDATION LAUNCHED, Technical white papers released, Started coding Proof-of-Concept prototypes and demos.
ሆ Q2 2018 - UDAP CONCEPT COMPLETED, Expand eco-system and community.
ሆ Q3 2018 - UDAP MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT(MPV) DEPLOYED AND RELEASED, State channel modules complete, Harvest Asset Wallet (MVP) released, First app – UMedia (MVP) released.
ሆ Q4 2018 - UDAP MIDDLEWARE V0.4 RELEASED, Harvest Asset Wallet & UMedia officially released.
ሆ Q2 2019 - UDAP MAINNET INFRASTRUCTURE V0.5 BUILT AND SHARED, More business partner’s application released.
ሆ Q4 2019 - UDAP MAINNET DEPLOYED, C2C Asset Marketplace released, More community projects kicked off
ሆ Q1 2020 - UDAP MIDDLEWARE V1.0 OPERATED, C2C Asset Marketplace operated.

More Information Visit the link below: 


Author: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=1082840
ETH : 0x3c4E005784e77ec8BDF213a409A24479FC6fe946