Sabtu, 17 Februari 2018

06.10 Posted by Pars No comments

What is SP8DE?

Sp8de is a protocol for blockchain-based platform with multiple features that are essential for the growing blockchain gambling industry and whose solid implementation is lacking in any of the currently existing projects in this space.

Token Utility

  • Software license

Getting access to the universe of applications just requires you to own the native token of our system, SPX.

  • Gaming Chip

Betting within Sp8de ecosystem is done only using SPX. By owning SPX, you share a part in protocol’s success.

  • Royalties

SPX is used to reward the developers fairly on the protocol level.

The amount of SPX received for one ETH falls after each Sale round and in this way SPX is the cheapest during the Pre-Sale.

The amount of SPX distributed during each sale increases steadily after the Pre-Sale. The Jackpot amounts also increase in similar fashion but at much greater rate.

Each token being sold has a specific factor attached to it, the jackpot factor. The likelihood to win a lot is proportional to this factor.

Mind, that jackpot factors are ordered: even within one sale round, earlier contribution is rewarded with more ‘powerful’ tokens. The distribution of these factors for every round is shown in the table above.

Participants in the earlier jackpot rounds have small chance of winning large lot, while those participating later have higher chance of winning, but are rewarded with smaller lots.

In addition, earlier contributors participate in more jackpot rounds. This shouldn’t discourage late participation: the largest combined pool of prize tokens is played during the fourth jackpot round.

Participants in the earlier jackpot rounds have small chance of winning large lot, while those participating later have higher chance of winning, but are rewarded with smaller lots.

In addition, earlier contributors participate in more jackpot rounds. This shouldn’t discourage late participation: the largest combined pool of prize tokens is played during the fourth jackpot round.

Tokens Distribution

There are 8,888,888,888 SPX tokens to ever be supplied. Initially, during the ICO, SPX will be issued on the Ethereum blockchain as ERC20 tokens. More detailed information can be found in the whitepaper and the SPX ICO description. The token sale is organized in 9 phases: one pre-sale and four token sales that are each followed by a jackpot round.

As shown before the price of one SPX coin increases with every sale round. The number of tokens sold and jackpotted is larger every subsequent round for the exception of the pre-sale. Every jackpot is played among all of the existing token holders.

Earlier participation allows for participation in more jackpot rounds. For example, taking part in the Pre-Sale and the first Sale gives access to all four jackpots. However, participation in, let’s say the third Sale will grant access only to Jackpots three and four.

Please, make sure to understand the mechanics of the Spade ICO process prior to taking part in it. Do not rely solely on the graph and be sure to understand the meaning of all the components of it and especially the highlighted segments of the jackpot bars.

Team & Advisors

Alexey Kashirsky

Mikhail Krapivnoi

Evgeny Borchers

Alexander Baykiev

Artemy Zorin

Alexander Uglov

Norman Chou

Lyubomir Serafimov

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ETH : 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919
06.01 Posted by Pars No comments


Introducing to you a Platform that will handle your data safely and also quickly using technology systems from Blockchain that are popular today. Because we realize that personal data is not well managed right now, it is evident from the many cases of hacking data from companies so that it leaks to the public, and this is a serious problem that can not be ignored, because it concerns the interests of the public. So We intend to create a Platform that will handle your Data well and also more secure with the support of Blockchain technology that has proven the level of security.

The Persona Platform is a solution to personal data management issues that will align with the latest data protection rules. Providing an access to you to manage data privately, allowing you to manage privacy regarding the data you have. With this Platform, other service providers can save time to update your personal data, they can access to your latest data quickly, so they save more time in terms of data management from customers, of course you can also set any Platform who can access your data on the Persona Platform. You also will not be troubled by filling in information on the services you use, because It’s like a log in for all the websites you’ve used.

What is Persona

Persona is a service to manage all your identity with the latest data protection which also can give the individual to gain control over their own personal data. By using persona, individuals need only a short time to update the data and so the service provider can also access their customer data with the latest version.

The main goals of Persona are:

  • To leverage the identity of management services for individuals based on what blockchain technology can offer.
  • To protect individual personal details. While it is clear that individuals need to provide details to various entities, they have no control over it afterwards to share. Persona puts people back into the driver’s seat.
  • Empower each person and to give them power on what it shares and with whom when it comes about their personal identity and details.
  • Allowing trusted third parties who with personal details enrich their services by offering trust as a service.
  • To prevent false news, by providing a decentralized identity management system, Persona will provide the level of trust we all need when we rely on news Based on the public Persona profile of any content creator, we can trace the news to the source.
  • To streamline the onboarding process since someone may have been checked by some of the listed entity entities in the system

The main points offered by blockchain technology:

  1. Replace the middleman: There is no need for a trustworthy side, which can be and is trusted by both parties involved in the transaction.
  2. Decentralization: there is no single point of failure, when attacking the network is almost impossible.
  3. Immutability: notes written in blockchain exist forever,can not be changed.

Persona utilizes the blockchain feature, enabling companies to offer KYC services to third parties and benefit from their respective services. Verification The process has two levels: Community and Professional KYC.

KYC Persona Type

The first level is represented by communities whose identities are checked by
peers. This is a joint effort, in which people are encouraged to validate each other’s identity. They must confirm the authenticity of the documents and the identity of the person applying for review.

People who offer verification services will be shown on the Persona website. They will be rewarded for verification services by accepting PRS. The threshold for verification is illustrated below

The instructions are divided into several levels, based on the number of verifications they provide. The maximum percentage a person can get with verified by the community is 90%.

The remaining 10% can only be achieved once a private partner (institution, utility provider or company) acknowledges the validity of the data.

Based on their Persona activity and shares, the individual who verifies the service to someone else, can go up to 30%. This means one can only see 3 people who can offer a 30% approval rate to achieve a 90% verification rate.

The list of documents required to provide KYC is:

  • ID or passport or government issued document (original document)
  • Copy or picture your ID
  • Bank statement or invoice that proves where you live

The documents will then be stored in the IPFS and signed by both parties checkers and checks, each time the person is checked.

KYC professionals represent the processes experienced by individuals when they involve entities that require the identity verification process. This entity, once.

Architectural Technology (blockchain design)

Persona will use Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology) technology to manage user permissions, approval transactions and identity proofs. We will deploy our own blockchain, called “The Persona Blockchain” which has the following characteristics:

  • DPOS blockchain with 51 branching delegates from capchain ark (
  • Blockchain will be public and will feature interoperability with other blockchains through Smart Bridges. Smart Bridge allows blockchains to communicate between interconnected information and the other way distributed.
  • Persona will integrate natively, at the blockchain level, a solution such as IPFS sharing documents and files between users.

The case of Persona GDPR usage

GDPR represents the European Regulation, whose intent is to strengthen, to unify and act as an equalizer on data protection for all individuals in European level. It was elected and adopted in April 2016 with a 2 year transition period, effective from 25 May 2018.

Possible consequences of non-compliance with GDPR for companies are:

  1. Position and notoriety Risk — Implementation of the GDPR rules with the obligations set out to inform the authorities when there is data Violations occur, will result in increased law enforcement activity. The first affected is the company’s market position and reputation, which will be compromised.
  2. Geographic Risk — The new regulation includes all companies and organizations offering goods and / or services to the EU market or it monitors EU citizens’ behavior to offer goods and / or services. Here also included all data analysis companies
  3. Sanctions — Significant penalties of up to 4% of annual global turnover or € 20 Million, whichever is greater will apply to companies that fail to comply with GDPR’s new rules.

Calendar / Token sales schedule

  • Private Sale: 15.12.2017–15.01.2018
  • General Sales I: 23.01.2018–30.01.2018
  • General Sales II: 01.02.2018–08.02.2017
  • General Sales III: 09.02.2017–16.02.2018
  • Token Distribution: 30.03.2018

Persona Token (PRS)

The number of seeded tokens will be 100,000,000 PRS. The price for one PRS token is $ 0.2 The total allocation for 100,000,000 PRS is:

70,000,000 PRS is allocated to TGE. 15.000.000 PRS is allocated to a team consisting of the founders. tokens allocated to the team will be held for a period of three years, broken into annual payments as follows:

  • 10% in genesis;
  • 30% after 12 months
  • 30% after 24 months
  • 30% after 36 months
  • 12.000.000 PRS allocated for Persona Startup Fund
  • 1,000,000 PRS is allocated to advisors. The tokens allocated to the advisor shall be employed within a period of 6 months
  • 2,000,000 PRS allocated for the gift

There are 70,000,000 PRS allocated to TGE, divided into one General Sales and General Sales three stages, as illustrated below:

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ETH : 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919
04.32 Posted by Pars No comments

What is a hackvc Token?

HACK is a new Ethereal based token issued by HACK VC, and can be bought, sold and traded through the online exchange as a liquid transaction.

HACK is based on the ERC223 protocol. ERC223 solves problems with ERC20 standards while remaining compatible with ERC20 compatible wallets. HACK is a tradable digital token that can be used for participation, representation, proof of membership in H / F or other appropriate purposes.

KrowdMentor, a strategic investment and advisory firm that empowers investors, funds, startups and blocked entrepreneurs, develops the token.KrowdMentor also provides smart contract development, smart contract management system and through other advisory roles to support HACK VC.

Token Sale

Token Sale Launches After Cap Stage 2 Reached

Token exchange rate

1 USD = 1 HACK


Currency received: ETH, BTC

Minimum transaction amount:

buy 1 HACK

Minimum Investment

US: $ 50K

Rest of the world: $ 1

Hidden hat

Revealed when 80% achieved

Token Sale Bonus

Allocation of Token

70% Token Discount

5% Operational & Advisory

75% Total Token Sales

20% Reserve Company

Founder Portfolio 3%

2% Community Development

25% Company + Misc.

75% of all tokens will be allocated for sale, with 5% of the amount leading to operational costs. Any additional operating costs will be borrowed from the remaining 70% and will be paid back at 5% interest per annum.

The company reserves will calculate an additional 20% of all tokens. The company will impose a 4-year vest with a 1-year cliff for every evidence issued to the team. 3% will be distributed to the founders of the H / F portfolio company and 2% will be used for community development.

Token Presale

Presale Phase 1 begins

Wednesday 15 November 2017 at 12.00 PST

Visit for more information or to participate

Token exchange rate

$ 1 USD = 1 HACK

Currency received: ETH, BTC

Minimum transaction amount: purchase 1 HACK

(US citizens have a higher minimum due to existing laws Contact us for more details)

Campaign bounty

You can get a HACKVC token for free If you are a member of the Bitcointalk forum.

1% Hack token issued will be given to people who share their time, knowledge, expertise and help all of this come true.

The stock you will get from your campaign will get 1% Token Hack at the end of the campaign.

Bounty will be divided among participants in proportion to the amount of the bet.
Total Bounty Pool will be divided as follows:

Twitter Campaign — 10%
Facebook Campaign — 10%
Translator & Moderator — 20%
Blog + Medium — 30%
Signature Campaign — 15%
Telegram Campaign — 5%
Youtube Campaign — 2.5%
LinkedIn Campaign — 2.5%
Medium Campaign — 2.5%
TokenMarket Campaign — 2.5%

So a quick review of Token and the HACKVC bounty campaign.

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Profile Bitcointalk :;u=1082840

ETH : 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919

Jumat, 16 Februari 2018

15.40 Posted by Pars No comments

TokenStars is the first celebrity management platform in blockchain. We are building an ecosystem that will provide celebrities, enthusiasts and advertisers with advanced tools and incentives for deeper interactions and engagements.

Our platform consists of 12 integrated modules that allow participants to connect in new ways. Designed as a toolkit, this platform allows to combine different modules to achieve the required features and capabilities.

Based on its function, the module is part of 4 different layers:

The Crowdfunding layer, allows talents and celebrities to promise to raise funds.
Layers of infrastructure, providing functional tools (such as voting and scouting) for major platform activities.

Community layer fans, allowing celebrities to grow their social capital by expanding their loyal fan base and offering fans the desired engagement by communicating and participating in activities with their favorite stars.

The advertising layer, delivering intelligent & transparent data and engaging viewers to brands for more efficient ad campaigns (by enabling smart contracts and tight merchandise sales).

The core plan behind TokenStars is to bring the interaction between stars, fans and advertisers to a replacement level and solve celebrity management trade issues.

Stars : skills and professionals. In associate era once skilled career development extremely depends on the power to draw in social capital and access the funding sources, stars want additional ways that to induce discovered by the audience and sponsors.

Fans : The balance of celebrities, fans, and media has shifted dramatically. Fans not simply watch. In real time they participate, analyze, critique, fantasize and connect with their favorite stars. Fans want innovations which will give opportunities for interaction and two-way communications with celebrities.

Advertisers : Brands request new channels of promotion with extremely engaged audience and demand clear and adjustable tools to run advertising campaigns.

We perceive that so as to encourage collaboration between Brobdingnagian variety of participants TokenStars shall develop climbable digital solutions and competitive incentives for all parties.

Therefore, we have a tendency to build the standard blockchain platform which will permit participants to mix its blocks and attain the required results. Eventually it’ll amendment the manner however celebrities connect with their fans and advertisers, creating it additional economical and valuable. we have a tendency to introduce TEAM token to empower the interaction between parties.

TEAM tokens (ERC-20 standard) can function a type of access to the TokenStars platform and as an interior currency, needed for the bulk of operations and transactions among our scheme.

Use of Blockchain

Our choice of blockchain as underlying technology of the TokenStars platform allows us to build transparent, scalable and verifiable system for all platform participants, especially for fans,scouts, promoters and advertisers. We will grant fans community leaders with tools to audit the records of blockchain distributed ledger to prove the transparency of interaction and avoid the

potential conflicts between the participants.

TEAM token
We create TEAM tokens (Ethereum ERC20 standard compatible utility tokens) to facilitate the engagement between different participants on the platform.

TEAM tokens will serve as :

1. A form of access to TokenStars platform features that verifies the token holder’s rights to participate in the activities conducted within the ecosystem.
2. An internal currency – tokens will be used as a form of settlement in the transactions conducted within the platform. This will also allow us to avoid the usual difficulties with fiat currencies such as low speed and regulations related to trans-border payments.

There are 3 ways platform participants may acquire TEAM tokens:

1. Join the crowdsale (total supply will be limited by the number of tokens created at the crowdsale).
2. Buy tokens on the crypto exchanges.

3. Earn tokens within the platform for completing actions and accomplishing tasks

General Info
Token Name : TEAM
Based on : Ethereum
Standard : ERC-20
Token price : 0.0001 BTC
Payment methods : Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Neo (NEO), ACE Token (ACE)

Token Allocation

Allocation principles
1. For every 60 tokens sold (Token Sale),
2. 20 additional tokens will be created and retained for the team, partners and advisors (Team & Advisors),
3. and 20 additional tokens will be created and retained for Network Growth (Community & Growth).

Max number of tokens for token sale : up to 45,000,000
Max number of tokens for team & advisors : up to 15,000,000
Max number of tokens for network growth : up to 15,000,000
Total Max number of created tokens : up to 75,000,000 The difference between the maximum possible number of created tokens and actual distributed number of tokens will not be created.

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Profile Bitcointalk :;u=1082840
ETH : 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919

Jumat, 09 Februari 2018

08.03 Posted by Pars No comments

Located in the heart of Berlin, is currently a fast-growing business. Over the course of the last few years, it has become a leading platform and service provider for image search and copyright enforcement worldwide.

With its cutting edge technology and processes, it is well-suited to globally address the key challenges in the industry.

At the core of COPYTRACK is the creation of a Global Decentralized Copyright Register for digital content, which authenticates users and links digital intellectual property. This online registry will generate a unique ecosystem for rights-holders, thereby providing new efficient marketplaces.

COPYTRACK will set the precedent for a global, transparent and decentralized register for copyrights of digital content. At the same time, will implement the first use-case for the decentralized ledger: The Global Copyright Register for Images. It will be followed by a marketplace for digital images and other external business models are free to interface with the open ledger.

The Challenges of Digital Content Management

Proof of Ownership of Digital Content
Digital content management faces two types of challenges – those faced by users and those faced by rights-holders.

Users often misunderstand the usage of digital images online and the corresponding licensing options. On the other hand, rights-holders have few or no methods to prove ownership of original content and derivative work.

Also, they often have inadequate tools to track the usage of their copyrighted images and identify violations. Both users and rights-holders are faced with the challenge ofreducing the cost of payments, and these costs are invariably added to price of use-rights. In addition, both groups struggle with facilitating seamless and timely settlement of payments.

COPYTRACK - Existing Business with Extreme Growth

In an extremely short time frame, has grown to become the leading company in the worldwide market of highly automated copyright enforcement. Starting in Berlin and having a presence in New York and Tokyo has allowed us to directly engage with artists and their networks all over the world, and has helped us to quickly increase our customer base. The lack of entry hurdles ensured high conversion at all steps of our processes.

The Future of Global Copyright Registration

At the core of COPYTRACK is the creation of a global decentralized copyright register for digital content, which authenticates users and links digital intellectual property. This registry will generate a unique ecosystem for rights-holders, thereby providing new e-client marketplaces. With its cutting edge technology and processes, it is well-suited to globally address the key challenges in the industry and will be open to the public.

Licensing + Payments - CPY-Token

CPY will be the native token on our blockchain platform. It will be used for payment in our flexible and modular licensing systems. This enables automated payments to rights-holders based on licenses they design themselves in our friendly and easy-to-use interface. The blockchain and underlying smart contract interface can be extended to incorporate a wide range of additional functionality such as programmatic contracts, variable pricing, and payment routing.

COPYTRACK´s Current & Future Business Model

Transparency for Ownership and Licensing of Digital Content Currently, COPYTRACK’s services are geared towards searching for our customers’ images across the web. If there is a successful match, we then move forward with enforcement and licensing. However, we will expand our services to include registering images via the blockchain and provide a new marketplace for artists and buyers.

COPYTRACK will set the precedent for a global, transparent and decentralized register for copyrights of digital content. At the same time, COPYTRACK will implement the first use-case for the decentralized ledger: The Global Copyright Register for Images, followed by a transparent Image Marketplace.

Free & Open Copyright Register

The Future of Digital Content
Our new platform consists of 5 layers and begins with creating an account, followed by the upload of images, proof of authorship and ends with the artist exercising full copyright control. After creating an account, an artist will upload an image.

We will then perform an audit on the authenticity of the authorship and if successful provide a blockchain- based certificate to prove ownership. From here on out, the artist maintains complete copyright control.

Token Allocation

At the end of the token sale, all remaining tokens will be burned. The founders committed to the following lockup period and release plan: After a 6 month cliff 25% and every month thereafter 5% of their allocation.



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ETH : 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919
01.55 Posted by Pars No comments

HOME LOANS is an experienced team that has been working in the field of real estate for over a decade ( and especially with the real estate loans for more than 4 years (license for microfinance activity from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation from 2013) and in IT development for over 5 years ( decided to create the HOME LOANS platform.

The reason of making HOME LOANS platform 

Recently, borrowers are facing the problem of getting a mortgage for the purchase of the housing. There are no official reasons for refusals but there are a lot of such denials even with people who have an ideal credit history. The reasons may be different but the most common are the level of the economy, refinancing rate, the internal regulations of banks, the number of defaults, the age of the borrower, and etc.

HOME LOANS will be an easily accessible financial platform through which people from all over the world can convert their savings into HLCoin currency supported by a real estate for a potential yield from real estate lending, property purchase and protection their income from inflation.

Each HLCoin represents a part of reliable investments in unallocated loans secured by real estate, which allows people from all over the world to convert their country's currency into a cryptocurrency that is resistant to inflation. Users can immediately convert their currency to HLCoin and back, and make any purchases regardless of cost.

Due to an opportunity for smart contracts and innovative financing platforms for real estate loans, HLCoin will reduce costs and improve the speed of traditional business in lending on the security of real estate and eliminate the need for third parties participation.

In the long-term perspective, we will be able to help all 1.6 billion people who do not have their own housing and help all those people who are denied by banks for one reason or another by including them in a new global decentralized cryptosystem.

Our Solution
Home Loans is an experienced team that has been working in the field of real estate for over a decade (, in the area of real estate loans for more than 4 years (license for microfinance activity from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation from 2013) and in IT development more than 5 years ( united for the common mission with the goal to make a revolution in the concept of mortgage lending.

We started our activity as a company fully focused on real estate and real estate loans which are aimed at providing optimal solutions for our clients.

Creation of an international loan platform by using open-source resources on the basis of block chain technology.

Loan based on smart contracts is a transparent and reliable credit history. We intend to provide investors with access to our clients by offering them the highest quality services.
Providing private investors with access to large amounts of data.

Our borrower evaluation program will include a system of electronic identification of a person based on a blockchain and large amounts of data collected from borrowers' smartphones via the mobile application HOME LOANS.

One of the main goals of HOME LOANS is to interact with different jurisdictions after states completely switch to registering property using blockchain technology.
Thus, they will have distributed registers to create the possibility of making sales transactions with a further placement of information about transactions in these registries and without the need to first resort to the services of specialized thirdparty companies.

Investors will get  
  • Possibility to invest in loans secured by real estate
  • The right to participate in fast transactions. The property is cheaper than the market value 
  • A token provided with real assets - real estate which is less subject to volatility
  • The right to purchase and use the assets of HOME LOANS (real estate that has not been redeemed)
  • The right to collective lending for large / expensive real estate.
Token Details

Token Distribution



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ETH : 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919