Kamis, 30 November 2017

08.17 Posted by Pars No comments

The PikcioChain is a secure and distributed permission-based platform specializing in the collection, certification and exchange of personal data. PikcioChain lets businesses trade and exchange personal data in complete security and with confidence, while simultaneously empowering individuals by giving them control of their own data and enabling them to realize its financial value.

Our Experience
MatchUpBox, the company which owns and develops the Pikcio network was founded by Didier Collin de Casaubon, Fabien Bucamp and Dr Jorick Lartigau PhD. Information about the founders’ careers and the rest of the Pikcio team can be found below

Benefits :
  • Ideal for KYC
Pikcio is data format & system agnostic so certified data can be plugged straight into existing KYC systems
  • Fully Compliant
Pikcio is GDPR compliant & because users keep control of their data, their permission is always known
  • Creating Value
PikcioCoin gives value to personal data and incentivises users to maintain up to date records
  • Enabling Businesses Success
Pikcio helps service providers deliver faster, more secure onboarding, which means their clients enjoy a better user experience


The fundraiser will last for a period of four weeks after the date of ICO launch. Throughout this period, the PKC (Pikcio Token) allocated to the crowdsale (the “Sale Tokens”) will represent from 20% up to 33% of the amount of PKCs created for the fundraiser (see steps above).

For the Pre-Token Sale
  • A contribution of one bitcoin (1 XBT) will lead to an allocation of 6’000 PKC plus a time dependent premium
  • Capped at 80% of the Sale Tokens
  • The following premium will be offered

For the Token Sale
  • A contribution of one bitcoin (1 XBT) will lead to an allocation of 6’000 PKC plus a time dependent premium
  • The following premium will be offered


For More Information

Rabu, 29 November 2017

02.18 Posted by Pars No comments

The financial industry is probably one of the few industries that are left behind, which rejects the direct interaction between the implementation of the center and the participants. Although technically the creation of decentralized financial services is much easier than creating an unmanned vehicle.
Create a system that includes all participants, and the nature of the necessary financial sorting services: personalization of users, KYC, credit bureaus, clearing clearing centers, withdrawals and encrypted currency exchange. This is the last obstacle to the development of peer-to-peer financial products from two main tasks.

Now the solution of these problems is coming. The unified decentralized technological platform can include all participants of financial services with distributed book principles, reliably and quickly perform all transactions.

Credits are a new open source platform for creating and managing financial services based on Creditchain / Book Credit. The principle of implementing an intellectual contract and a joint voting system creates a unique opportunity for all participants to interact with various financial products. The platform opens up a huge new market and has the potential to use blockchain projects and services in financial and other industries that previously was unsuitable due to speed and transaction costs.

A unique system based on a block chain allows us to build high-speed transactional financial services at speeds up to 100 million times per second, average transaction processing speed for 3 seconds. Loans really offer new opportunities for using blockchain technology in the financial sector.


to create a new platform for the operation of financial products, a unique way to build a chain with intellectual contracts / register, can be achieved:
  • Process transaction up to 1 million times per second 
  • Average processing time per transaction for 3 seconds 
  • Very cheap processing fee


  • About 100 transactions per second 
  • Average processing time is 0.5–15 minutes 
  • The transaction cost is 0.02–0.5 US dollars
Popular platforms, such as Ethernet, are not suitable for financial transactions, because the transaction is very slow for 0.5–15 minutes, and the transaction cost is about 0.02–0.5 US dollars. The financial industry is unacceptable.

CREDIT is designed to achieve a million transactions per second with an average processing time of 3 seconds and an average peak of 10 seconds. The system is a distributed database with the principle of blockchain / bookger — management and transactions of distributed digital assets, invariant records.

CREDITS platform provides the implementation of a unique new technology blockchain, intellectual contracts, data protocols and has its own internal encrypted currency. It is a platform with new capabilities of network technologies, speed, transaction costs and transaction amounts per second. This is an open platform, which means that users and companies can use block chain agreements to create online services.

The loan provides users with new products, creating new algorithms to create new functions for finding consensus; a new registry plan, an algorithm for processing and supporting transactions with a limited number of states, based on a joint voting model. 

The CREDITS platform provides solutions for low and high transaction costs. This expands the application of potential blockchain technologies in the financial and network industries. Credit’s mission is to implement technology of blocked technologies and cryptographic CREDIT all over the world and make decentralized relations a reality.

Great projects need a great team. CREDITS has a team of highly qualified and intelligent people who are constantly striving to make the platform a standard hub for community members to understand the essence of technology.

Token & Sales

Digital tokens CREDITS will be published in a limited number. All digital CREDIT markers should have the same functionality.

The sale of tokens will be on the Ehereum platform in the ERC20 standard. Initial Sale Date:
To immediately begin the development and development of the project, we propose to hold up to 2 rounds of ICO.
  • PRA-ICO — in October 2017 
  • Round 1 ICO in November-December 2017 
  • Round table ICO in the 2nd quarter of 2018
The number of available tokens is set at 1,000,000,000 tokens. In the first round ICO in November-December will cover 80 000 ETH, hard cap 120 000
Only 100% 
  • 2% for generosity 
  • 2% for mail gifts 
  • 15% for founders and teams 
  • 5% for Operation 
  • 1% for consultants 
  • 75% for campaigns before ICO and ICO 
PRA sales bonus 30%
Special contrast in the whitelist before the PRE-ICO (send an inquiry or to info@credits.com ). Limited token Bonus amount of purchase 
  • 0% — up to 50 aether (15000 USD)
  • 20% — from 50 esters (15000 USD)
  • 25% — from 100 aether (30000 US dollars)
  • 30% — from 250 esters (75000 US dollars)
  • 35% — from 500 esters (150000 US dollars)
  • 40% — from 1000 esters (300000 US dollars)
Users can purchase digital CREDIT tokens during the ICO period, exchanging ether (ETH) or bitcone (BTC) for digital CREDIT tokens with a 1ETH exchange rate per 4000 digital CREDIT tokens,  and other bonuses may be applied under the terms of the Token Token Agreement CREDIT .
The agreement for the purchase of CREDIT between CREDIT and the User begins after the User has received all the terms of the Token Token Token Token Agreement CREDIT by clicking the buy button or buying several digital CREDIT tokens and using part of the CREDIT and CREDIT Platform smart contract  and will continue as long as he will not be terminated in accordance with the terms of the Token Token Agreement LOAN Agreements.

CREDIT has the right, at its own discretion and without prior written notification, to terminate the Agreement on tokens and sales of LOANS if:
  • The user provides incorrect data to complete the registration process; 
  • The User does not comply with the requirements of Article 7 of the Token Token Contract CREDIT;
© User does not comply with other terms and conditions of the Token and Sale Token Market Agreement.

For More Information :
01.25 Posted by Pars No comments

The functionality of cryptographic functions is supported by the Ethereum platform, a distributed block-by-block platform that simplifies the administration of commercial intellectual contracts and provides benefits. Combining economic technological excellence on demand and chain blocks, opportunism introduces crypto resources for the trading of B2B and B2C. in particular, enabling creating new models of social and commercial participation, recognizing the company in a strong Opport expert community and providing an opportunity to build an exclusive reputation through knowledge sharing that enriches society.
Blocking by classification is the basis of the Opporty ecosystem. users can buy and receive tekoens to access various services on the Opporty platform, or they can change the tokens for the currency of the currency

Independent contractors and freelancers are hardly noticeable today. Basically, every company has hired a contractor or freelancer at least once. This is where Opporty shines.
This platform connects contractors and freelancers with business owners who are willing to pay for their services. If any company is looking for experienced employees, Opporty will be the perfect platform to sign up to find it.

Freelancers can count on the user-friendly Opporty environment as well. While looking for a good job as a freelancer is quite difficult these days, Opporty can help. This allows freelancers to be recognized for their amazing work and receive a steady stream of paying orders.
Human networks are the main ingredients that provide a business perspective for the future. Opporty.com, an innovative startup from NYC, has positioned its business model to maximize the principle of "human network".

Vision and Mission

Our vision is to revolutionize the way small businesses and individual suppliers request and offer services using blockchain technology, we strive to create a world where companies use smart contracts that are safe, stable and unchanging, thus competing with regular transactions and payment systems. offered by finance. corporate institutions, and this does not depend on the state for law enforcement agencies.

Our main goal is to create a productive environment for the business community, business-oriented, decentralized and self-reliant. in which business owners and individual service providers engage in the acquisition and sale of their services and the training of others through the provision of content. taking the best of the world (based on demand and chain blocks) 
Our mission is to make Oppory an easy-to-use marketplace that enables you to digitize small business activities and provide a risk-free environment for doing business through smart Escrow and chain blocks. 

Service provider

Service providers are faced with the issue of creating a reliable client base. If they fail to attract potential customers, turn them into prospects and close them as clients, they will experience unfavorable financial problems and eventually quit the business. Creating a channel of transformation requires a lot of effort and skill: The 
identification of companies and services for the community is complex. Business owners must participate in the network and attract the respected media. If they do not get business, they will not be able to attract potential customers.
Achieving sales targets takes time, suggesting limited funds to conduct paid advertising campaigns. Consumers have several suppliers to choose from, and business owners need to give their attention through SEO, content, authority management. 

Starting and running a business is a tough struggle. It only takes a few hours to register the company, but learning to manage it is not an easy task. Business owners must implement business models, implement management procedures and market approaches in terms of digital marketing.
Conversions are not guaranteed, although small businesses can succeed in encouraging users and potential customers, chances are they will fail in their conversion. It is difficult to master economically advantageous transformations, as this process is entirely dependent on the business's ability to create content, bring users to landing pages and show interest. 

Therefore, service providers often choose :  
  • Invest in SEO and PPC for security 
  • Subscribe to leading platforms to gain access to the curatorial currents of potential customers until they provide a higher cost and agree that the company has the advantage of offering a stronger offering.
  • Create customer networks and influential people who guarantee their business when they can participate in unique events, and order unique perspectives of their services. Otherwise they will not be able to receive it 
  • Create profiles in directories and lists that attract more customers, this profile is displayed below the highest value, easily visible 
  • Join the professional and local community (this takes time, effort and luck).

According to data provided by the US Small Business Administration, only one fifth survives after the first year of their work. the rest is closed because they can not attract followers early and increase their business to start generating profits. therefore small and medium-sized businesses are pressed to: 
  • We offer high quality services and competitive prices 
  • Minimize setbacks when looking for service providers 
  • Make better advice when seeking help from others 
  • Reduce costs by improving business performance and reduce intermediary needs 
  • Take advantage of economic mutations and digital technology to survive in a crisis
  • Create a constant stream of potential customers by directly contacting the target audience directly 
  • Opporty helps companies do all of these, be they customers or service providers.

DAO (decentralized independent organization) provides the infrastructure and is the basis of Blockchain Opporty technology and intellectual contract technology, enabling the selection of independent Escrow Escrowage and the setting of regulatory standards through business in certain industries. Due to DAO, Opporty users can use smart contracts and record them and select standard rules. DAO adds more security, transparency and business resilience and receives certain services from third party suppliers.

Initially, Opporty administrators invited experts. Studying the target industry, they will identify and select renowned experts and influential people. At this stage, administrators can interfere with the voting process to perpetuate certain decisions to avoid anarchy. 

Opportunities, power and freedom of choice will be transferred to the public, meaning that Opporty users can choose Arbrimage Escrow, which is the most DAO. However, a small restriction in the Opporty section will still be allowed. Opporty's regulatory and decentralization expert community will propose and select standard procedures. There is no proposed procedure issued or controlled by one department. Only trusted independent community experts. The target market is opportunistic

The American business, Opporty plans to focus not only on the United States (US), but also on other developed and emerging markets. At an early stage, Opporty will target the United States of Britain, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and others. As soon as this platform positioned itself in these countries.
The second stage begins in China. Opporty provides friction for non-Chinese companies operating in the Chinese market, encouraging them to offer and deliver services to China's large consumer base.

The third stage is the CIS countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. More than 250 million people live in the CIS, Opporty strives to provide small business owners with all the opportunities. Have good opportunities to offer Opporty, safe and transparent.

The fourth phase is aimed at other markets in Asia, Africa and South America to create a multilingual community for individual entrepreneurs and service providers, a community that enables them to conduct business worldwide efficiently and productively.

For More Information : 

Senin, 27 November 2017

20.40 Posted by Pars No comments

Mainstream adoption of blockchain systems has been limited due to unsolved questions of scalability, privacy, and interoperability. In this paper, we will outline a proposed design for the Aion Network; a 3rd generation multi-tier blockchain system designed to address these challenges. Core to our hypothesis is the idea that many blockchains will be created to solve unique business challenges, within unique industries. As such, the Aion Network is designed to support custom blockchain architectures, while providing a trustless mechanism for cross-chain interoperability. At the root of this system is the world’s first dedicated public enterprise blockchain, Aion-1; a state of the art blockchain that introduces a new paradigm of security, and fair, representative crypto-economic incentives.

First-generation blockchain
Bitcoin led the way in the creation of numerous alternative currency platforms as the first generation of blockchain technology. These first-generation blockchains provided a solution to conventional transaction limitations by implementing cryptographically-secure, peerto- peer, digital transactions that are verified by a decentralized global network and recorded into an immutable public ledger. Resulting in a platform that leverages the advantages of being digital, while preserving the economics of scarcity.

Second Generation Blockchain

With the second generation of blockchain, Ethereum introduced the ability to build application-specific logic upon a blockchain network This enabled new capabilities beyond transactions to incorporate state, business logic, and multi-party contracts to be stored and executed on a blockchain and written to an immutable ledger. These concepts have been incorporated into other distributed ledger technologies and have led to the distinction of building a blockchain and building upon a blockchain. The emersion of blockchain-based applications is positive for the industry. Applications with novel use cases further demonstrate, and validate, the technology’s ability to evolve beyond just a means of transferring value. However, these separate networks are becoming disparate as they are isolated and able only to transfer data off chain or transfer value through centralized exchanges. In a sense, tiny kingdoms with borders between economies and industries are being cemented. As the number of networks grow, the more disconnected and sparse the industry becomes.

Just as in the early days of the internet, disparate blockchains networks have yet to truly realize the benefits of being connected. While specialized blockchain networks will and should be developed, being able to communicate on chain to other networks offers significant benefits, particularly if privacy and scalability can be maintained. A mechanism for joining disparate networks will unlock enormous value for every participating network.

What is AION ? AION, The Third Generation Blockchain

In the future, blockchains will federate data and value in a hub and spoke model similar to the internet. The future of mainstream blockchain adoption will be achieved by the development of a networked, federated blockchain to integrate these separate spokes. That integrated blockchain network is Aion.
Aion is a third-generation blockchain network that will enable any private or public sector organization to:
  • Federate: Send data and value between any Aion-compliant blockchain and Ethereum.
  • Scale: Provide fast transaction processing and increased data capacity to all Aion blockchains.
  • Spoke: Allow the creation of customized public or private blockchains that maintain interoperability with other blockchains, but allow publishers to choose governance, consensus mechanisms, issuance, and participation.
At the root of the Aion network is a purpose-built, public, third-generation blockchain called Aion-1. Designed to connect other blockchains and manage its own robust applications, Aion-1 also provides the economic system that incentivizes interoperability in the ecosystem.
AION tokens are the fuel used to create new blockchains, monetize inter-chain bridges, and secure the overall network.

AION, Multi Tier Blockchain Network
The Aion multi-tier blockchain network is like a computer network, providing a protocol and standard for dissimilar systems to communicate. However, in addition to information, the Aion network will pass logic and value among participating blockchains to create a contiguous value chain where every transaction occurs on-chain, with logic and value passing among chains as freely as liquid assets.

These infrastructures, protocols, and concepts will work together to guarantee transmission from an origin to its destination through interchain communication. The value of these technologies is that they enable one blockchain to transact with another blockchain, as well as one blockchain to transact with every connected blockchain.

The First Cross Blockchain Token

The AION token is initially being offered on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-20 token. As soon as the Aion network is operational, these ERC-20 tokens can be seamlessly converted to AION network tokens, and will continue to be able to flow freely back and forth between these two blockchains.


Phase 1

The focus of the first phase in the Aion release schedule is the interchain communication and bridging infrastructure. With this in mind, phase 1 functionality will include:
  • Modified, high-performance EVM
  • Functioning bridging and interchain communication
  • Modified proof-of-work consensus algorithm
Phase 2
The second phase of the Aion release plan is targeted towards the migration from our modified EVM architecture towards the proposed AVM architecture. Development priorities of this phase include:

  • Aion Virtual Machine
  • The Aion scripting language
  • EVM legacy codebase continued support
Phase 3
The third phase finalizes the envisioned network infrastructure, providing infrastructure for fast, efficient interchain communication and interchain applications. In addition to the interchain functionalities from Phase 1, and the VM implementation from Phase 2, this phase will introduce our representative consensus including the representative consensus algorithm.


Details Information :

Website : https://aion.network/

Whitepaper : https://aion.network/whitepapers.html

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AionBlockchain/

Telegram : https://t.me/aion_blockchain

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1082840
05.37 Posted by Pars No comments

Today, more and more investors and companies are realizing the true potential of Blockchain technology, and the active crypto market is growing rapidly compared to the classical capital market. During the first six months of 2017, trade in crypto on the exchanges specifically increased by more than 10 times, and in June reached a mark of $ 5 billion, while the cumulative market capitalization of all assets of kriptoaktif for this period increased from $ 18 billion to $ 110 + billion, which means an increase of 600%, while in the same period the S & P 500 index grew by only 10%.

A very important characteristic of the crypto-currency market is the number of users and the development of the corresponding infrastructure. According to the journal of Payspace magazine, the number of users around the world who have Bitcoin wallets has reached 41 million. There are even simpler estimates, and an independent study by Coinbase and ARK Invest Research in early 2017 showed that more than 10 million people around the world are owners of bitcoins. However, in June 2017, the customer base of Coinbase increased by more than 25%.

Important data from reports prepared by the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF) in the second quarter of 2017 shows that the number of people actively using cryptographic currency has grown significantly and has approached the population of a small country:

  • The number of active crypt wallets increased from 0.6 to 2.6 million in 2013 to 5.8–11.5 million by 2017 “(twenty six crypto currency operators, including Airbitz, Armory, Bitgo, Blockchain, Coinbase, Greenaddress, Ledger , Jaxx, Myclium, Samourai and Xapo)
  • At least 1876 people are constantly working in the crypto-currency sector, and, probably, they are much larger than 2000 people, which allows employees of large mining pools and other companies not to provide data about their employees.
  • 81% of purse suppliers are based in North America and Europe, but this region is left only by 61% of users (31% in Europe and 30% in North America). 20% of users live in the Asia-Pacific region and another 13% in Latin America.

Thus, it is possible to single out the development of a cryptomarket all over the world. By mid-2017, around the world, more than 80 stock exchanges trading in crypto currency were registered.

The rapid growth of this market not only attracts private investors, but an increasing number of professional participants. Exchange platforms, brokerage firms and investment companies and funds seek to access investors to this market.

Introduction To the Tokenbox Ecosystem
Tokenbox is a unique ecosystem that unites the crypto currency funds managed by professional portfolio managers and traders, on the one hand, and investors on the other.

Investors are given access to the best fund management strategy in the Crypto market with a high level of security in the process. Portfolio managers and traders, including professional teams, must make a decision, the “window” is ready to create their own token tools in order to work in a professional, transparent and in accordance with the current regulatory framework. The technical solutions created by Tokenbox enable efficient and effective management of the management and development of funds.

Thus, investors can choose between different legal and audit funds in accordance with the ratio of risk and return.

Tokenbox Provides the following Benefits for Fund Managers and Merchants:

  1. Interaction with Tokenbox sites in the relevant legislative infrastructure. Tokenbox is an “umbrella” platform that funds foundations and traders in a market-based format and provides legal consolidation opportunities to create funds to facilitate problems with the token and their trading activities within the legal framework, providing funds and confidence for traders to optimize. their litigation expenses
  2. KYC / AML. Tokenbox will execute or organize KYC / AML to request investors on behalf of funds and traders, and to implement and use the required data verification system.
  3. Management of settlements with investors using their own tokens based on intellectual contracts.
  4. Access to internal and external liquidity.
  5. Software for investment management.
  6. Access to the ICO campaign market: the centralization and approach of the company allows you to buy design tokens with favorable conditions (bonuses, discounts and guaranteed purchases). Tokenbox plans to provide evidence of access to the platform, as well as tokenization, processing, depositing, security audit, legalization services.
  7. Marketing support in the overall Tokenbox strategy, as well as access to the global investment community with several stakeholders.
  8. A rating system that gives investors the right to make balanced decisions when choosing a specific fund. Rating systems allow small capitalization funds to compete with larger participants, having similar ratings. The rating system allows funds to avoid situations where investors expect certain results of funds that actually contradict their strategy.

Victor Shpakovsky — Managing Partner
Vladimir Smerkis — Managing Partner
Igor Doganov — Chief Analyst Ofcer
Alexey Bashlykov — Technical Project Manager
Eugene Yuriv — Art Director
Dmitry Shmakov — Marketing Director
Alexander Volkov — Lead Backend Developer
Chris Abel-Smith — Head of the Supervisory Board Counselor Chris Skinner — Advisor (FinTech)
Peter Prabhu — Advisor (business development)
Julian L Zegelman — adviser (legal), Welton Zegelman PC
Ilya Sachkov — Advisor (cybersecurity)
Vadim Koleoshkin — Advisor (Ra Product rabotka)
Elena Masolova — Advisor

For More Information :

Website : https://tokenbox.io/

Whitepaper : https://tokenbox.io/docs/Tokenbox-WhitePaper-En.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Tokenbox/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/tokenbox

Telegram : https://t.me/Tokenbox

Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1082840

Minggu, 26 November 2017

23.23 Posted by Pars No comments

PAYEREX is led by a team of online veteran timers with more than 15 years of experience in the investment industry.

Become the world’s first alternative stock market based on blockchain technology. The idea behind the decentralization of the stock market comes from the identification of the needs of many people who want to be part of the global stock market but can not for various reasons: lack of knowledge, fear of risk, financial shortfalls, geographical constraints, etc.

“We are building a decentralized peer-to-peer network that goes beyond these limitations, and provides equal trading opportunities to all traders worldwide.”

PayperEx’s goal is to give people from all over the world a fair, easy and affordable opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the stock market by purchasing “Paypers” (stock-based units). The use of blockchain technology will make our network safe and transparent.

Payers are stock-based units on financial instruments such as Bitcoin, Ether etc and private companies that will issue their shares in our network. For each underlying asset, PayperEx will issue a limited number of Paypers.

Two types of Payper will be issued: “BULL” and “BEAR”. A “BULL_Payper” for those who think that the price of underlying assets will go up, while “BEAR_Payper” is for those who think that the price of underlying assets will go down.

The enthusiasm surrounding crypto in general and Bitcoin in particular leads us to the conclusion that the first paper to be published is Payper of the Bitcoin, “Bitcoin Payper”

Our new coin, PAX, is issued to let the crowd participate in our project and become a member of our network. PAX Token is the only one used on the PayperEx network. Each activity in the PayperEx network is performed using PAX, making tokens an integral part of the network and its economic driver. In any activity performed on the network, PAX is transferred from one participant to another.


The cryptocurrency market is soaring billions of dollars every day and growing.

PayperEx gives you a second chance to enter the cryptocurrency market with a low entry price.

PayperEx has created “Paypers” — shares based on blockchain technology. Your affordable gateway to the cryptocurrency market


Token PAX is issued by PayperEx and is the only one used on the PayperEx network. Each activity in the PayperEx network is performed using PAX, making tokens an integral part of the network and its economic driver.

In any activity performed on the network, PAX is transferred from one participant to another. The use of blockchain technology confirms that every PAX is transferred only once.

PAX tokens have multiple uses on our network :
  • PAX is required to participate in the PayperEx network.
  • The payout value is measured in PAX.
  • Payment of “Payment of Payment of Payment” is shared in PAX.
  • Trading fees are charged at PAX.
  • The initial value of 1 PAX during crowdsale is 0,00002 Bitcoin eg. 1 Bitcoin is equal to 50,000 PAX (during 1 Bitcoin presale period will be equal to 65,000 PAX, 30% more than token sale period).
PAX Crowdsale
PAX will be issued only during crowdsale (Sale Pre-Sale and Token). When finished, no further tokens will be generated.
Sales will last for 120 days, from August 21, 2017 to December 19, 2017.

PAX Distribution
A maximum of 6,200,000,000 PAX tokens will be generated, from 1,000,000,000 PAX tokens will be saved as backup * Maximum 1,200,000,000 PAX tokens will be provided free of charge as Extra PAX during presale (in accordance with the Additional PAX Model), remaining tokens will be canceled

A maximum of 4,000,000 PAX tokens will be sold during the crowdsale, the remaining tokens remaining will be canceled.

For example: If 3,500,000,000 PAX is sold during crowdsale and 1,000,000,000 PAX is given as Extra PAX during presale, then the remaining 500,000,000 and 200,000,000 will be canceled. This will result in a total of 5,500,000,000 equal to the number of sold tokens plus an additional PAX and PayperEx of 1,000,000,000. The price for 1 PAX token during crowdsale is set at 0,00002 Bitcoin.

PAX Presale Distribution
Presale Pool: maximum 4,000,000,000 PAX for sale plus 1,200,000,000 free Extra PAX.

The base price of 1 PAX during presale will be 0,00002 Bitcoin.
The minimum purchase amount on the presale is 1,000 PAX

Presale will run until all tokens are sold, or a maximum of 30 days.
A maximum of 4,000,000 PAX tokens will be sold during presale, remaining tokens will be sold

During the time of main token sale at the respective main token sale price.
A maximum of PAX tokens will be provided free of charge as Extra PAX during presale (according to Extra PAX Model), the remaining tokens will be canceled.

PAX Token Sale Distribution
Token Sale Pool: Quantity for sale is the amount that will remain from the presale and a maximum of 4,000,000,000 PAX.

The base price of 1 PAX during the sale of token 0,00002 Bitcoin (BTC).
The minimum purchase amount on token sales is 100 PAX.

Token sales will run until all tokens are sold, or a maximum of 90 days. The remaining evidence will be canceled once the token sale expires. The world’s first alternative stock market based on Blockchain technology.


  • Q1 2017 — Market Research & Planning
  • May 2017 — Development: Personal Web / App & Wallet platform
  • July 2017 — Integration into Cryptocurrency Exchange
  • August 2017 — Crowdsale — PAX Token
  • Q2 2018 — PayperEx Network Launch — First IPO
  • Q3 2018 — Growing a Network Ecosystem
  • Q4 2018 — More IPOs on New Financial Instruments

The founder of PayperEx, after more than 15 years of experience in the financial sector, found ambitious and ground-breaking goals to revolutionize the concept of the Stock Market by removing existing barriers. Our team consists of experts in online trading, marketing, research and development, compliance and financial regulation.

For More Information :

ETH : 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919
02.17 Posted by Pars No comments

Everyone who got into the world of cryptographic currencies has to deal with exchanges. High market volatility provides an opportunity to increase the capital, but also creates the risk of losing a substantial part of it. The market situation may change dramatically in a matter of minutes, but a human cannot monitor it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Multibot is intended for solving this problem! The multifunctional set of automated tools running in the cloud constantly monitors the situation at exchanges and operates in accordance with a specified algorithm to protect your capital and its accrual.

What Problem Multibot Solves

Multibot provides a solution to one of the big problems facing cryptocurrency traders. The problem of trading seamlessly between multiple different cryptocurrency exchanges.

As anyone who trades cryptocurrency the different cryptocurrency exchanges can be both a blessing and a curse.

The different interfaces and offerings of the cryptocurrency exchanges mean that trading between them can be and often frustrating experience. At the same time it can create opportunities for profit such as in the case of arbitrage,

Multibot Is a decentralised platform built on blockchain and it is delivered over the web. It provides a range of different trading tools which helps to integrate the trading experience between different cryptocurrency exchanges.

These tools help Traders to achieve a range of different things.

For example, using Multibot traders will be able to see at a glance through Analytics the different prices and volume for cryptocurrencies across exchanges.

Or using the arbitrage tool they will be able to easily see the price differential between different cryptocurrency exchanges. Something that is being challenging to achieve in the past.

Automated trade will make it easy to execute trades based on two criteria. This will allow traders to set stop loss orders the different cryptocurrencies and on different exchanges.

Orders can be set up through Multibot to move funds in and out of an account once it reaches a certain limit.

In essence Multibot Would provide a more cohesive and comprehensive experience for trading cryptocurrencies.

The utility of such tools should be pretty clear to anyone who it’s currently trading cryptocurrencies. As a consequence people who are looking to back an ICO which is likely to be successful may want to consider what makes Multibot unique.

Value of Multibot

1. Platform for working with exchanges
Reliable automation of trading processes and monitoring the situation at the market of cryptocurrencies
  • Automation
Flexible functionality for automating the work with cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • Multithreading
Simultaneous work at several exchanges with a lot of currency pairs.
  • Reliability
High stability thanks to the use of cloud technologies.
  • Distribution
An independent work area for each client, with a separate IP address for API requests.

2. Stay updated
The interface for monitoring the markets within a single window
The customizable interface for obtaining analytical information about the exchanges and cryptocurrencies that interest you with the option of manual or automated response to the events.
  • Market analysis
  • Informing
  • Automation
  • Quick start
Simple registration and start of work with the system in just a couple of clicks.
  • Independence of resources
No need to constantly run computer or a dedicated server.
  • Access from anywhere
Management and viewing statistics from any device with the Internet access.

What to do with MBT tokens ?
Earn dividend or trade at the stock exchange

  1. Every 3 months, 50% of the profit from the platform paid services are sent to the Ethereum wallet that contains the smart contract. Then ETH is redistributed proportionately between all holders of Multibot tokens in accordance with the conditions of the smart contract.
  2. To receive dividends, MBT should be stored in an Ethereum wallet, which supports the ERC20-compliant token, for example, MyEtherWallet, Parity or Mist.
  3. You can also trade MBT at exchanges, to which the token will be added after the ICO.
  • What is the Multibot token : The Multibot token a.k.a. the MultiBot platform share, gives the right to participate in the profits of the company. All token holders are entitled to receiving dividends according to their shares. At the end of the ICO, 50% of the company's profits will be distributed among all sold tokens.
  • Pay out procedure : Every 3 months the profit will be converted and sent to the Ethereum wallet, from which it will be distributed to the wallets of Multibot tokens holders according to the conditions of the smart contract.
  • Reduction : MBT
  • All tokens : 25,000,000 (twenty five million) tokens
  • Regulation : Unsold tokens are burnt
  • Initial value of the token : Fixed - $1
ICO Structure
100% of MTB dividend tokens guarantee 50% profit from the Multibot platform.

Multibot collects funds for the launch, promotion and development of the platform. For this purpose, Multibot (MBT) investment tokens, corresponding to the ERC20 standard5, have been issued and are a smart contract based on the Ethereum platform6. The platform will ensure the storage of collected funds and the disposal of them as necessary.




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