Kamis, 13 Desember 2018

09.26 Posted by Pars No comments
Hi, Meet me again, I'm Syella, I will tell you about Hetachain ico, so check this out.

Our economic world has changed since the day of this discovery of this blockchain and also Bitcoin. The hi-tech market has changed since then. Next, the intelligent contract platform opened a new era of applications over the blockchain 2.0, and it's a computer program designed to digitally facilitate, verify or apply discussions or contract operation.

Currently this year old 2018, HetaChain arrives and revolutionizes the brand new production of Blockchain 3.0. Heta blockchain 3.0 Platform will help governmental services companies, organizations, businesses. Build the dApps and also make the dApps into the real lifestyle: Banking Industry, IoT Industry, Robotics Business, Healthcare Industry, E-commerce Marketplace.

Hetachain can be currently a superfast DPoS + BFT hybrid blockchain system centered on fixing the age-long scalability issue and shoving on a truly democratically regulated platform assembled for large-scale trades while additionally uniquely intended for users that are private. Together with its collection of characteristics incorporating a combination of individual and public adoption-focused design and style by way of a multi-chain technique, end users could utilize Hetachain for the private and public block-chain taste.

Even the Hetachain ecosystem is made of wise contracts, including Hetacoin, cold and hot Heta Wallets, Heta app store, blockchain feature-enablers and extensive alternatives which enrich its applicability in wise banking, health, e-commerce, commerce and telecommunications, and data administration, investment, and currency market, along with remittance.

Benefits of Hetachain

Flexible - Performs the freezing and restoring of bribery applications with generalized permissions depending on roles.

Usable - A blockchain 3.0 platform which has quite substantial and measurable overall performance and utilizes ecosystems which make blockchain networks more valuable and useful.

Scalability - already supports thousands of dapps (distributed applications) with a commercial interblock-social connection that shares authentication and execution.

Optimization is a 3.0 blockchain platform which features a rather substantial dimension effectiveness and application of all ecosystems that make blockchain networks more useful and valuable.

About Hetacoin

Hetacoin is hetachain inner cryptocurrency, which is used in the network Mainchain. Hetacoin is used as a tool to pay for the use of het block service.

HETA is the indigenous token of this HetaChain Major Community. All network usage fees are all paid from HETA.

Transaction Charges on Hetachain are compensated when Delivering HETA, when Side Chain data Should Be supported from the Primary network, or even when Clever contracts Will Need to Get Named on the Principal network

When a user makes a transaction by exchanging coins or tokens made by Heta, he must pay hetacoin for the specified amount. Also called transaction costs. This is a mandatory fee that makes Hetacoin have authentic value to this machine. In addition, this can prevent merchants from flooding networks with infinite microtransactions.

HETA coins will be genuine coins from the HetaChain ecosystem. Until now, HETA is an ERC-20 type token and will be exchanged for HETA coins. 60,000,000,000 HETA coins will be issued

When a user participates in a consensus or validation process of Mainchain and Private Chain, he must be rewarded with a particular hetacoin. This is also referred to as a reward for users. In terms of the level of consensus estimation, it must depend on how much effort participants put into implementing the process.


More Information Visit the link below: 

Website: https://heta.org/
Whitepaper: https://heta.org/docs/HetaChain_whitepaper_en-ver-1.0.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hetachainofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Heta_org
Telegram: https://t.me/Hetachain_Community

Author: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1082840
ETH : 0x3c4E005784e77ec8BDF213a409A24479FC6fe946

Rabu, 28 November 2018

08.28 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , ,

The title of this article already represents what the main idea of this article. CYBR is the security system where the users act like a hero to save the other system from hacker and then they will get the CYBR token for their transaction. It happens when the users can identify and make a report of threats. CYBR team make this company solid in more than one hundred twenty-five years. So, who's the kind of teams that create this great system?

1. The founder, Shawn R Key

2. Chief technical officer, Frank Corsi

3. The advisor of ICO, David Donnenfeld

4. The advisor of Cyber Security, William Todd Helfrich
5. Economic Analyst, Hunter Key
6. Advisor, Dr Amini
7. Public relation, Kim Moyer
8. The advisor of international relation, Dr Mohammed Moussavi
9. Designer, Simon Van Der Leek
10. The director of marketing, Adam Peterson
11. Branding, Devin Leshin
12. Social media, Rich Berkley
13. Public outreach, Darron Tate
14. The advisor of ecosystem and technology, Mark Stanwyck
15. The advisor of cybersecurity, Gerald Skip Lawyer

A CYBR token is created to become the incentive for the three-pronged solution. The service of subscription for blockchain will available in the transaction using CYBR token. This token is the reward for the member of CYBR. There is four main component of CYBR cyber security solution. The first is the totality of infrastructure protection, the second is proactive security, the third is accurately threat identification, the last is a transition from data to actionable intelligence. The portal and BlindSpot software offer technology able to meet all of those requirements. The web portal of CYBR as the UI or User Interface for the solution. It offers the solution to make sure the cybersecurity to associate with the transaction to contribute the blockchain security. The CYBR web portal include downloads, support page, verification, token sending, receiving capability, and threat intelligence

CYBR have world-class cooperative with other companies around the world. There are twenty-two partners totally:

a. Campbell and Company
b. Channel System
c. Cognizant
d. Trigent solutions
e. MKM Global
f. Stratford University
g. SAIC or Science Applications International Corporation
h. etc

CYBR believe that more partners will grow the company bigger than before. CYBR is also recognized the important concept of the potential types hack. Beside develop the partnership, CYBR will improve the member community. CYBR's community improve the key utility for CYBR token. The allocation of CYBR token depend on the degree of difficulty and how degree of threat. From identifying and evaluate the risk, the member of community will earn CYBR token. The platform will available for the OS (operating system) like IoS Android, Linux, Windows 10 and OSX. BlindSpot is also to existing platform and frameworks. The data feeds can deliver and function as IOC Funnel and API. The CYBR intelligence portal can accept high data volume that have ability to detect threat agents. The system optimizing for threat identification and continue the data practice for the solution of vital information. This information send to be subscribe in order to compromised the system.

More Information Visit the link below: 

Author: Syella.A

ETH : 0x3c4E005784e77ec8BDF213a409A24479FC6fe946

Sabtu, 01 September 2018

11.16 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,

INGOT Coin zielt darauf ab, ein beispielloses revolutionäres Ökosystem auf der Basis von Blockchain-Technologie zu schaffen, das neu entwickelte Kryptomärkte mit den derzeit existierenden Finanzmärkten verbindet und Ineffizienzen beseitigt. Gleichzeitig bietet es ein One-Stop-Ecosystem, das die Teilnehmer in die Lage versetzt und führen Transaktionen gemäß ihren finanziellen Bedürfnissen aus.

Das IC Ecosystem wird auf der Blockchain-Technologie basieren und Smart Contracts nutzen, um die Ausführung verschiedener Verträge zu erleichtern, während gleichzeitig die Notwendigkeit von Intermediären und externen Eingriffen beseitigt wird, die Investoren daran hindern, sich auf allen Märkten voll zu engagieren. Durch die Einführung von Blockchain schaffen wir ein spezialisiertes Ökosystem, das das Vertrauen der Kunden, die Marktliquidität und - was am wichtigsten ist - die effiziente Marktpreisgestaltung und den Zugang zu Fonds für alle Arten von Interessengruppen erheblich verbessern wird.

Das IC Ecosystem wird Transaktionen, Abrechnungen und Zahlungen transformieren und sofort umsetzen, indem es verschiedene notwendige Komponenten zusammenführt und Fremdvermittler ausspart, die den Prozess normalerweise verzögern und die damit verbundenen Kosten erhöhen.


Derzeit fehlt es dem Finanzsystem an Effizienz und Transparenz. Im Allgemeinen gibt es trotz der Popularität von Blockchain und Kryptowährung einige Probleme wie:

• Mangelnde Verbindung zwischen traditionellen Finanz- und Kryptowährungsmärkten.
• Aktuelle unwirksame Marktstruktur.
• Hohe Gebühren auf den Finanzmärkten.
• Unpraktische Crypto-Exit-Strategien.
• Mangelndes Vertrauen in Kryptomärkte.

Diese Probleme führen dazu, dass viele Investoren profitable Anlagemöglichkeiten aufgeben. INGOT Ecosystem bietet eine umfassende Lösung für all diese Probleme.

Das IC-Ökosystem umfasst IC Wallet, IC Exchange, die IC Digital Bank, IC ICO Accelerator, IC Brokerage und IC Crypto Certifier. Besuch: https://www.ingotcoin.io/

IC Wallet ist die wichtigste Multi-Currency-Crypto-Wallet, die zum Senden, Empfangen und Speichern digitaler Assets bestimmt ist. Es wird eine digitale Bank integrieren, mit der Sie eine Kryptowährung sicher gegen Bargeld tauschen oder kaufen können. Es hat mehrere Schutzstufen und verhindert Hackversuche. Besuch: https://www.ingotcoin.io/

IC Exchange wird über eine benutzerfreundliche Plattform sicher mit dem IC Wallet, der IC Digital Bank und dem IC Brokerage integriert. Es wird wichtige Münzen und neue ICOs auflisten, um die Marktteilnehmer damit vertraut zu machen. Besuch: https://www.ingotcoin.io/

IC Brokerage ist das Liquiditätszentrum, das Zugang zu allen Finanzprodukten bietet. In diesem Service ist der Kauf von Aktien, Metallen, Währungen und anderen Weltvermögen vertreten. Zusammen mit den oben genannten Modulen bietet IC Brokerage Hunderte von Optionen für den Handel, wenn der Markt in einem unsicheren Zustand ist.

IC Digital Bank ist ein Service, der die Zahlungsabwicklung über Web-Services automatisiert. Es erleichtert den Betrieb von IC-Brokerage- und IC Exchange-Modulen und bietet Services für das Arbeiten mit Konten per E-Payment.

IC Crypto Certifier wird alle interessierten Personen über die Blockchain-Technologie, IT-Beratung, Compliance, Kryptographie und Finanzberatung informieren. Absolventen erhalten ein branchenführendes, weltweit anerkanntes Zertifikat.

IC ICO Accelerator ist eine Hilfe für neue Startups und Unternehmer wie PR-Dienste, Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Whitepaper, Unterstützung bei der Finanzierung, Dokumentation, im Allgemeinen, die gesamte Palette von Dienstleistungen, die für die ICO benötigt werden. IC ICO Accelerator wird auch ihre Token auf IC Exchange auflisten.

Vorteile von INGOT COIN

• Sicherheit.
• Sehr flüssiger Austausch.
• Währungsumtausch.
• Minimierung der Risiken.
• Debitkarte. 

Token Sale und ICO Details

Der INGOT COIN (IC) -Token wurde für die Plattform entwickelt, um sowohl Anfängern als auch erfahrenen Händlern gerecht zu werden. Anfänger in diesem Bereich können mit einem Mindestkapital beginnen. Sein Handel ist an verschiedenen Börsen geplant und bietet faire und gleiche Bedingungen, unabhängig von Handelsvolumen und Startkapital. Einer der attraktivsten Punkte ist die Tatsache, dass die Inhaber des INGOT-Tokens bei Erreichen einer soliden Kapitalisierung Dividenden erhalten. Wenn Token innerhalb der Plattform als Zahlung verwendet werden, erhalten Nutzer Rabatte zwischen 5 und 50%. 

Token Details

Ticker: ICC 
Typ: ERC20 
ICO Startdatum: 1. Juli 
ICO Enddatum: 11. August 
Hard Cap: 90.000.000 USD 
Mindestbeitragsgröße: 100 USD
Gesamtangebot: 120.000.000 IC 
Preis: 1 IC = 1 USD 
Akzeptierter Kauf: USD, ETH, BTC, XRP und andere Kryptowährungen. 

Weitere Informationen Besuchen Sie den folgenden Link:

Webseite: https://www.ingotcoin.io/
Weißes Papier: https://www.ingotcoin.io/documents/en/white-paper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICOINGOT/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ICOINGOT
Telegramm: https://t.me/INGOTCoin

Autor: Syella.A
Profil Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1082840
ETH: 0x3c4E005784e77ec8BDF213a409A24479FC6fe946

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2018

01.43 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,

CryptoSouk is een digitaal platform voor het uitwisselen van activa tussen handelaars van elk niveau. Dit project wil digitale valutahandel voor iedereen toegankelijk maken. Het doel van dit project is om een ​​snelle en veilige transactie-uitvoering te garanderen. Het project biedt langetermijn valutahandelingen, handel, marktervaring om een ​​efficiëntere liquiditeitsoplossing te creëren voor het financiële uitwisselingsecosysteem, waar nieuwe deelnemers geen ervaring hebben. CryptoSouk biedt aan om transacties in crypto-valuta's te doen, zoals: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Zcash en Monero. Dit voorstel zal het projectteam helpen nieuwe klanten aan te trekken.

Er zijn verschillende ideeën voor gedecentraliseerde uitwisseling, die in de markt zijn ontwikkeld, maar sommige hebben geen marktliquiditeit en productie. In de Crypto-valutamarkt zoeken traders en beleggers naar een hoog niveau van klantenservice, waar ze hun hoop op deelname aan financiële markten accepteren. Er zijn mensen die het moeilijk vinden om andere talen te spreken en hun diensten te begrijpen.

CryptoSouk vindt een oplossing door één platform te bieden waar iedereen eenvoudig, snel en veilig toegang heeft tot financiële activa. Het projectteam heeft partners gekozen die hen zullen helpen een snelle handelservaring voor klanten te bieden. Om dit te doen, bieden ze veilige handel en maken ze financiering of betalen ze Fiat op een goedkope en eenvoudige manier. Ze bieden een meertalig platform om diensten aan klanten te begrijpen via hun lokale taal.

Ze bieden verwijzingsprogramma's waarbij elke gebruiker met een account op het uitwisselingsplatform een ​​unieke verwijzingscode heeft die met anderen kan worden gedeeld. Gebruikers ontvangen 50% van de commissie voor transacties, als andere gebruikers zich registreren met behulp van hun referentiecode.

Waarom moet ik CryptoSouk kiezen?
Geniet van de beste uitwisseling van digitale middelen, die zich richt op de behoeften van beginnende handelaren, professionele handelaren en deskundigen op het gebied van digitale valuta. Het CryptoSouk-team probeert crypto-valuta toegankelijker, sneller en echt veilig te maken. De volgende zijn enkele van de voordelen van dit project:

o Juiste diagrammen Bedrijfskarteringsmechanisme met de mogelijkheid om 1 miljoen transacties per risico te verrichten Verbeterde API voor toegang tot of verstrekking van liquiditeit aan andere gebruikers Integratie voor KYC / AML, bankieren / PSPo Interactie met traditionele infrastructuur en DLT

David Dubrulle is een CEO en een ondernemer met 20 jaar ervaring in Europa en het Midden-Oosten. Hij heeft ervaring op verschillende gebieden, zoals Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Investment Consultants, Equity / Debt Capital Markets, enz. David heeft 4 bedrijven opgericht op het gebied van makelaardij, logistiek, financieel advies en onroerend goed.

Gene Hoffman is een van de oprichters, voormalig CEO van NASDAQ. Hij is momenteel adviseur van het Chia Network, een bestuurslid en de tijdelijk technisch directeur van AEToken. Ervaring hebben met financiën, softwareontwikkeling en de cryptomuntmarkt.

Richard D'Souza - Operations Manager, hij is momenteel operationeel leider bij JM Financial Brokerage Services Co. Koeweit. Hij heeft 10 jaar ervaring als operations manager bij een toonaangevend financieel bedrijf in Koeweit.

Naam: Souk
Uitgebracht: 52.000.000
Prijs: $ 0,50 USD
Soft Cap: $ 1M USD
Hard Cap: $ 11M USD
Voorverkoop start: 9 juli 2018
Crowdsale: 22 augustus 2018

Is dit bedrijf een goede investering voor u? Als je gelooft in de kracht van kunstmatige intelligentie, ja. Het projectteam van CryptoSouk is ervan overtuigd dat hij enig succes in dit segment zal behalen. AI neigt in de toekomst te stijgen, evenals de kosten en tokens van het bedrijf. CryptoSouk kan een goede langetermijninvestering voor u zijn, omdat het waarschijnlijk is dat dit bedrijf een goed rendement op uw investering zal bieden, maar in de toekomst. Als je geduld hebt, is het goed om in dit bedrijf te investeren.

Belangrijke informatie die u mogelijk nodig heeft:
Officiële website: https://cryptosouk.io/ico
ANN branch: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4515317
Whitepaper: https://cryptosouk.io/pdf/whitepaper_v2.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoSouk
Facebook: http://fb.me/CryptoSouk.io
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptosouk_community_en

Auteur: Syella.A
Bitcointalk-profiel: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1082840
Eth: 0x3c4E005784e77ec8BDF213a409A24479FC6fe946

Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018

05.22 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,

The KuBitX Global exchange will revolutionize cryptocurrency trading. Finding solutions for global cryptocurrency issues like poor customer service, slow transactions, unscalable platforms, poor security, and so much more.

Other exchanges have an average processing speed of 1.4 million transactions per second. With KuBitX, transaction speed will start at 12 million per second, and they aim to take it even higher.

They offer 24-hours online customer support, user-friendly and multi-lingual website and services to cater to all their users worldwide. KuBitX is also developing a mobile trading application that is compatible with both Android and iOS.

By promoting financial inclusions for people across the world, their platform will bridge the gap to let people with no access to traditional banking system have the ability to take advantage of the blockchain for P2P transactions. They would accomplish this by training people on the blockchain and cryptocurrency.

The Global Channel Ambassadors Initiative involves having their ambassadors deployed across the world to facilitate and educate potential users through their local language to help them get a better grasp on the power of blockchain.

KuBitX begins their program in flagship countries of South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ghana, Angola, and Uganda. It is where 1 to 10 million potential users can be reached in just the first three years.


The team behind KuBitX is made up of experienced professionals from Big Four consultancy firms, and Fortune 500 companies like Dell, Huawei Technologies, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Google, BP Oil, Amazon Web Services, MTN etc.

Their set of skills and talents gives them substantial insight and expertise in their respective domain. KuBitX what to build their visions by using trust as a foundation. Their whitepaper certainly lived-up to their promise and presented complete details to help people get to know their team.


KBX is the native token for KuBitX, that is open and transparent to the public. It is an ERC-20 token and can be used to pay for trading fees in the KuBitX platform. Through their extended partnerships with payment service providers, they can help users with fiat deposits and withdrawals.

KBX holders can store it on both KuBitX platform or other wallets that are ERC-20 compatible. KuBitX will issue a fixed supply of 500,000,000 KBX. 36% will be allocated for the pre-public round which will start on July 16. 1 ETH will be equivalent to 8, 909.09 KBX.

They have a rather high soft cap of 10,000 ETH. Tokens will be tradable on September 2018, but they have yet to announce the exact date on their website.

Following the first public round token launch, 15% of the team tokens will be released, and the remaining 85% will be released gradually in 2 years.


Their project is already at 80% of its completion, which is quite promising. Having seamless crypto to fiat conversion, with a user-friendly interface, and high operating exchange will be a great game changer. We are looking forward to this team to achieve all their goals.

KuBitX is ensuring users that they have the top speed in transactions, but top-level security as well. These are well-educated experts backed with excellent advisory team and partners. They have done a good job on breaking own where the funds will be used, on their whitepaper.

They strongly believe that through mass education and mass adoption of currency, their exchange system will be successful. With the Soft cap already reached through the seed and Pre-Public round, the project continues even if KuBitX would not reach the Hard Cap. All they need is to have the Pre-Public Round completed and as foreseen, the product ready by this time.


KuBitX offers so much more than what most exchanges have accomplished today. The track records of their team show their skills and expertise in their respective fields. We say that this project is in good capable hands.

Focusing on the emerging markets that were left behind by the cryptocurrency will potentially benefit not only these people but also the world economy.

High standards of security, ease of use, quick transactions, and 24-hour online customer support. It is just some of the biggest issues they would like to solve with KuBitX. This project can make a great impact on both the African continent and the rest of the cryptocurrency exchange ecosystem

More Information Visit the link below: 

Author: Syella.A
ETH : 0x3c4E005784e77ec8BDF213a409A24479FC6fe946
04.47 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,

Aligato Coin
The e-commerce market in Poland and the world is growing at a dizzying pace. Very quickly, it is absorbing new technologies to make life easier for everyone using e-commerce platforms.

However, these few companies, which are the leaders in the global market, introduce the required improvements too slowly, or not at all. At Aligato, we think that it can be done better.

The foundation of the Aligato 2.0 platform on top of the blockchain will ensure safety, stability and transparency at a level unattainable by the solutions available so far. The Pay via Eye payment system, operating through ordinary cameras in smartphones or computers, will additionally strengthen the security of buyers.

Artificial intelligence will facilitate shopping, searching for items and any interaction with the platform. Autonomous delivery drones automate the final stage of product delivery to the customer, and the entire system will be based on the existing infrastructure. Its introduction will therefore not be long-term.

Aligato Platform with Blockchain
in addition to transactions using all the payment systems and methods available today, Aligato will offer you the opportunity to purchase goods and pay fees and commissions using the most popular cryptocurrencies and AligatoCoin, the Aligato internal token.

Using AligatoCoin within the platform will guarantee the user much lower costs of using and servicing the website, especially sales fees, at the same time allowing them to be exchanged directly for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies.

Aligato AI

The simplicity of service, especially from the technical standpoint, is important to us, therefore, we plan Aligato to become a very intuitive platform. The user, starting to work with our platform, will be guided by an automated management system. At the same time, this system will observe the user's behavior and learn to work with them. The AI system will also be responsible for automating the sales system through suggestions generated based on previous user interactions with it. Depending on your preferences, the process can be performed manually or with the help of AI.

Aligato Token
  • Token Name: AligatoCoin
  • Token Symbol: ALC
  • Platform: Ethereum (ERC20)
  • Distribution Process: The ALC tokens will be delivered once the ICO has closed
  • Cryptocurrency Unit (Token) Price: 1 ALC = 0,50 USD
  • Minimum Amount of the Cryptocurrency Tokens to Buy: 1 ALC
  • Pre-ICO Opens on: 20.04.2018 (12:00 CET)
  • Pre-ICO Closes on: 29.07.2018 (12:00 CET)
  • ICO Opens on: 30.07.2018 (12:00 CET)
  • ICO Closes on: 30.08.2018 (12:00 CET)
  • Soft Cap: 1,000,000 ALC
  • Goal: 35,000,000 ALC
  • Maximum Cryptocurrency Release Volume (Hard Cap): 70,000,000 ALC
  • Protection of Investors: If the Minimum Goal is not reached, the funds will be paid back to the investors once ICO has closed
  • Maximum Cryptocurrency Supply: 100,000,000 ALC
  • Token Distribution: Aligato 30%; crowdfunding investors 70%
  • Payments Methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGECOIN, ATB, Aligato.pl ( PLN & USD )

If the Soft Cap is not reached, alt the funds will be returned to the investors once ICO has closed. All the tokens that will not be sold during the ICO will be burned immediately once ICO has closed.


More Information Visit the link below: 

Website: https://aligatocoin.io/
Whitepaper: https://aligatocoin.io/whitepaper/aligatocoin-whitepaper-en.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3288216.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aligatocoin.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aligatocoin_io
Telegram: https://t.me/aligatocoin

Author: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1082840
ETH : 0x3c4E005784e77ec8BDF213a409A24479FC6fe946

Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

00.16 Posted by Pars No comments Posted in , , ,
From the very beginning of the creation of the computer and the computer network, malicious programs were also created that daily knocked down the work of your computers, and stealing information from you that was not intended for other people's eyes. And to date, this system has also been modernized, you never noticed that with frequent use of the search engine, you often pop up ads with your requests, which means that our every movement on the network is visible and it's not too difficult for us to hack, despite to our effective computer protection.

Therefore, I want to tell you today about the new company Online, which created a completely new antivirus that will protect your computer and your activity 24 hours a day.

In my opinion, for today it is simply necessary because the level of scammers in the computer network is simply off the scale. And the most important thing is that if earlier it was people then for today it's bots that, being stored on certain carriers, create just one big network! And even more so when the cryptocurrency wants to take its rightful place in the world economy, the company Online is simply necessary, otherwise, the level of theft will simply beat all the records. And so I'll tell you about the company Online and about their interesting ideas.

OIO Without Ads

At the moment, a person pays for the Internet and the Company Online believes that advertising should not sabotage it, and in addition, in their intended use environment, the Internet will be free, and Internet service providers will receive money for this. The company wants to achieve the result of that, their system will work in real-time user. Of course, the company will create an anti-virus protection for the user, which will reduce the possibility to catch a malicious virus on the Websites to zero, and the user will be able to safely use the computer network without threatening his important data.  The company Online has identified such a problem for the user as online ads, which greatly slows down the viewing of the necessary information for the user. 

OIO as a marketplace

With their solution, a huge plus to all this will be easy to use, you will need to simply download the extension for your browser, both for computers and for mobile. And the program will work automatically. A mobile application will still work. The wallet will work on all major operating systems, and merchants will accept crypto payments using their API system or ready-made modules for the most popular e-commerce software solutions such as Shopify, PrestaShop, open cart, Magento, and others. Also, the company will make a rating system for sites in which the user can put the number of stars from 1 to 5 points so that users know which site to trust and which one should not.


The company is made up of good professionals, led by A. Iulian Florea, he is the founder and CEO of Micro leaves. Under his leadership, Micro leaves grew to the world's largest proxy network with more than 30 million IPs and about 20,000 customers, including Fortune 500 companies.

He is surrounded by a really strong team and very clever advisors, together they will lead the company to unprecedented success!


Their currency will be called TGE and will be distributed as follows

  • Pre Sale start date: 15 June 2018
  • Public start date: 10 July 2018
  • TGE end date 31 July 2018
  • Max OIO tokens 2,500,000,000
  • OIO token price $ 0.04
  • Soft cap: $ 5,000,000
  • Hard cap: $ 50,000,000
More Information Visit the link below:

Website: https://online.io/
Whitepaper: https://online.io/download/OIO-Whitepaper.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3452258
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Online.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnlineIO_
Telegram: https://t.me/OnlineIO

Author: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1082840
ETH : 0x3c4E005784e77ec8BDF213a409A24479FC6fe946

Minggu, 03 Juni 2018

00.45 Posted by Pars No comments

The first platform of the SaaS App Augmented Intelligence Platform, which provides data mining for sellers using automation and decentralization strategies.

Successful day trading requires decisions based on several market movements. Collecting the necessary information quickly and effortlessly requires advanced metric intelligence and automation.

XchangeRate provides all this and much more in the mix, which makes it easy and quick to start making profits and safely. We proudly present our product to the world.

Strong pre-installed filters
XchangeRate is a platform developed by traders for traders. Automatic filter setting has a predefined strategy that requires minimal effort.

Approach to the functional strategy of the cross
XchangeRate analyzes the metric attributes of each coin on the exchange and loop through a strategy filter for incoming signals and assigns values to the preferences scale and triggers through qualifying positions, grouping criteria using automatic on and off, and automating the cycle and cycle.

Application verification
Adoption of the strategy is one thing. To get into the market flow is another thing. XchangeRate provides tools for testing strategies and filters with real market conditions and test strategy results.

Provide platforms with a number of important, good and valuable trading tools, using additional intelligence.

Crypto-Trade is an established business model. More than 2 million new merchants open new accounts with a monthly exchange. Successful traders receive immeasurable profits every day. The growth of traders around the world gives a great opportunity to increase liquidity. Increased awareness of regulatory issues increases market stability.

XchangeRate Bridging the gap
What was once an exclusive trade secret is now available to everyone. Data analysis and trading information are now presented as presets on the XchangeRate platform. The necessity of successful trade.

Data collection: a set of platforms with valuable information, consisting of apt indicators using API plug-ins.
Analytical skill: the ability to interpret exhaustive data for making better decisions.
The decision: correct and timely observance of information makes the trade profitable.
Consistency: Automation makes everything work consistently and effortlessly.


Eureka! It works much better, bites and dips some XRR coins.


To expand the look and reach of XchangeRate.io, we started selling Token to publish the XchangeRate (XRR) token in Ethereal Blockchain. The XchangeRate ERC20 token will be issued by a smart contract at the end of Token sales (April 2018).


80% ICO
Bonus Token 12.8%
6% Project owners and stakeholders
1.2% Airdrop and Bounty



For more information please visit the link below:

Website: https://tokensale.xchangerate.io/en/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3120770.0
Whitepaper: https://tokensale.xchangerate.io/en/whitepaper/en/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XchangeRate_io
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xchangerate.io
Blog: https://medium.com/@xchangeraterobot.io
Telegram: https://t.me/xchangerateICO

Author: Syella.A
ETH: 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919

Senin, 28 Mei 2018

22.16 Posted by Pars No comments

What is DIW?
DIW is a privately decentralized identity service that allows registered account holders to store and access sensitive data of encrypted data to strengthen network blocks.

When you turn into a DIW network user, you will be given numerous open doors and advantages when you need to share your essential data in a really sheltered and dependable way. Administration DIW gives you the chance to utilize your own handbag, which will guarantee you wellbeing at the greatest level — as you wish. You are given huge levels of assurance and dependability, which are decentralized security.

Our vision is for DIW to cover this sector by enabling secure encryption and safe sharing of personal EHRs between validated account holders and laboratories, pharmacists, doctors or other health care professionals with additional options to utilize the intelligent contract technologies that have been featured in DIW networks.

Personal Data Storage
DIW holders will be afforded access to a virtual secure vault, where they will be able to store their entire ‘Virtual Life’ including sensitive data such as passports, contracts, electronic health records and login details.

Decentralized Digital Identification Wallet
DIW intends to develop its own hardware wallet which will ensure maximum security for its premium members. The wallet will offer a decentralized security system in a world where online security has become of paramount importance.

The DIW token
Token holders can transact with other DIW identity holders including both individuals and businesses. The DIW Payment Gateway will also be introduced which will act as an easy check-out system and this gateway will provide individuals and businesses with the opportunity to pay and be paid using all major fiat as well as cryptocurrencies.

Paid Escrow Services
The DIW platform will offer a smart contract based escrow service that will safeguard transactions between parties. How the Escrow service will work is quite simple but genius, the party that requires the escrow’s protection will simply layout all the measures that need to be fulfilled by the end of the transaction and then pay a small fee in DIW tokens to cover the cost of the escrow smart contract service. This is most ideal when two parties are exchanging digital data and it solves the much-dreaded question that usually arises in such transactions,’’ Who sends first?’’

Future Plans
DIW plans to extend its tentacles to the medical world as well as ensuring the safekeeping, confirming and updating medically related records. This development will ensure that the patient i.e DIW account holder, will have full control of who has access to their medical records and also determine the amount of data the other party has access to.

DIW ecosystem:
It consists of one billion tokens. The value of the DIW token is influenced by:
· Storage (space given to DIW holders)
· Escrow service (Paid with DIW token based on smart contract)
· Crypto payments (Checking the platform y using DIW platform)
· Currency (Influenced by demand and supply in the crypto community)

DIW utility or security:
This token is not a security but it is intended to be used through DIW platform. The DIW token supports the ecosystem of this platform as it is used for the transactions. The platform invites people to acquire tokens and use the tokens for personal use but not in profit investments.

Advantages of DIW community:
· It provides security to the account holders by using the hardware wallet
· The transaction process is efficient, swift and on low cost in the DIW platform
· Users of this platform are free to transact through any currency such as fiat or digital.
· Single access to an endless doorway
· This platform provides a large and global community.
· Data is secure and the distribution of sensitive data including health care records over the network uses peer to peer protocol

Allocation Token

ICO Phase
DIW plans to continue its project in Phase based on the funds invested.
Stage 1: introduction of secure digital safe
Stage 2: Payment Gateway
Stage 3: development and deployment of DIW Global Directory
Stage 4: Paid Escrow services in the form of smart contracts along with other services will be introduced

Stage 5: Incorporate Health Electronic Records (EHRs) of the Health sector.



Details Information: 
Website: https://diwtoken.com/
Whitepaper: https://docsend.com/view/qr8a4u7
Telegram: https://t.me/diwtoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/diwtoken
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/diwtoken/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diwtoken/

Author: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1082840
ETH: 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919

Rabu, 16 Mei 2018

22.41 Posted by Pars No comments

Jadi Apa itu Uchit? 
Uchit adalah Hub Komunikasi dan Kolaborasi berdasarkan Teknologi Blockchain. Uchit memperkenalkan pusat komunikasi dan alat kolaboratif untuk Individu, Profesional, dan Badan Usaha yang tidak tersedia dengan alat yang ada.

Pengembangan Uchit adalah solusi 'end-to-end' untuk:
  • Penggunaan pribadi seperti komunikasi dengan teman dan keluarga.
  • Penggunaan profesional seperti kolaborasi untuk programmer, musisi, artis, dll.
  • Penggunaan profesional seperti komunikasi antara Investor, Proyek, Freelancer, dll.
  • Penggunaan perusahaan untuk korporat.
  • Situs web yang ingin memiliki fitur komunitas di situs web mereka sendiri. (Kami akan menyediakan API)
Pada akhirnya, kami bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan semua profesional, perusahaan, karyawan, dan aset kolaborasi bisnis ke dalam ekosistem blockchain terpadu, yang akan membuat proyek dan bisnis benar-benar efisien, transparan, dan dapat diandalkan.

Aplikasi dan Fitur
Uchit Uchit adalah Pusat Komunikasi dan Kolaborasi berdasarkan Teknologi Blockchain. Uchit memperkenalkan pusat komunikasi dan alat kolaboratif untuk Individu, Profesional, dan Badan Usaha yang tidak tersedia dengan alat yang ada.

● Pengembangan Uchit adalah solusi ujung ke ujung paling akhir
● Penggunaan pribadi seperti komunikasi dengan teman dan keluarga.
● Penggunaan profesional seperti kolaborasi untuk programmer, musisi, artis, dll.
● Penggunaan profesional seperti komunikasi antara Investor, Proyek, Freelancer, dll.
● Penggunaan perusahaan untuk perusahaan.

Siapa di belakang Uchit? 
CRASS Infotech, salah satu Penerbit Video Game terkemuka di Asia Selatan.

Token Uchit
Uchit (UCHT) adalah inti dari protokol insentif Uchit. Pengguna dapat “membelanjakan” UCHT sebagai imbalan karena mempekerjakan orang untuk bergabung dengan tim, meminta komunikasi dengan orang lain, meminta file dari orang, membeli template dari Tim (lepas) - seperti pasar untuk proyek baru, dll.

Untuk mengakumulasikan UCHT, pengguna dapat menjual template dan aset, menanggapi permintaan komunikasi / tim yang bergabung, dll dengan jaringan (pembibitan) dan diberi penghargaan dengan UCHT setiap kali mereka berkomunikasi atau Berkolaborasi. UCHT juga dapat diperoleh pada berbagai pertukaran cryptocurrency di web, dan akan langsung ditukar dengan Ethereum.

Token Sale
Uchit Token akan dirilis berdasarkan platform Ethereum. Ini kompatibilitas token dengan dompet layanan pihak ketiga, pertukaran dll, dan menyediakan integrasi yang mudah digunakan.

Jumlah maksimum token pasokan
712 350 000

1 ETH = 4500 UCHT

Tanggal Ico - 1 Mei 2018 hingga 30 Mei 2018

Bonus - 20% (Hanya untuk Pra-Penjualan)
Investasi Minimum - 0,001 ETH

Date - 1 Juni 2018 hingga 30 Juni 2018

Bonus - 5% (hanya untuk CrowdSale)
Investasi Minimum - 0,001 ETH

Soft Cap
$ 5 000 000

Hard Cap
$ 50.000.000

Distribusi Token

Peta Jalan

Informasi Lebih Lanjut Tentang ICO Ini Silakan Kunjungi Link Di Bawah Ini:
Situs web: https://uchit.info/
Whitepaper: https://uchit.info/Uchit-Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/DZmddhD1kcq60aOeK_EAhQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Uchit_coin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Uchit-207729296639497

Penulis: Syella.A
Profil Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1082840
ETH: 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919

Kamis, 26 April 2018

17.25 Posted by Pars No comments

Our platform is uniquely beneficial for both users and merchants. First, users will undoubtedly appreciate the end of repeat registrations, KYC and password recoveries, replaced by instant access granted by our multi-factor authentication solution. Furthermore, not having redundant accounts provides greater security and data protection, both of which are valuable to any consumer. Finally, the ability to easily conduct payments in any chosen medium has long been desired by the market - Safein will also satisfy this need to allow a fully seamless payment experience for all its users and merchants.

Merchants also benefit from our platform as Safein significantly reduces merchant costs for user onboarding and verification. Furthermore, Safein reduces transaction fees and can remove the problem of having to manage lost passwords for the customer support.Merchants also get easy access to crypto payments at one of the lowest commission fees in the market with a completely free identity verification tool. Moreover, merchants who possess Safein tokens in their wallet will be able to process payments with no commission.Our platform will also help them increase trust and user conversion rates as well as protect them from accidental breaches of increasingly complex data protection regulations and processes.

The rapid growth of e-commerce remains unstoppable. However, the industry itself is still ripe for improvements as growing concerns mount over data protection, cybersecurity, money laundering and monopolization of numerous sectors. Moreover, shopping online is not only troublesome, it’s also redundantly complicated. Think, for example, of all the repeat registrations, verifications and password recoveries trailing the daily online customer experience.

We believe that outdated technology is to blame for almost all of these problems. Accordingly, we think it’s about time to fix this by embracing a modern way of managing your online identity and the shopping experience.


Security must be a primary focus while managing your identity and wallet online. Safein will have a multi-factor authentication mechanism implemented from the very beginning. While integrating Safein, each merchant will be able to choose a minimum security level that he requires from its users. For example, merchants can ask that all logins to the merchant’s website and all payments must be confirmed by user on his mobile device - i.e. (i) a push notification shows up, (ii) user must identify himself via pin code or fingerprint on his mobile Safein app and (iii) approve login or purchase. User (in his panel) can also enhance general security levels for each website individually. For example, even if a specific website does not require mobile device confirmation for website login, a user can always enhance his security level by enabling that requirement himself.

With Safein, users will not only be able to fully control their logins and actions but track and manage them as well. Users will be able to see their full activity history, including logins and payments, track their used devices, manage current active login sessions and cancel them at any time. Users will also be able to easily check which website has access to certain data. Most of the functionality related to identity management is already available in the MVP.


Safein is planning to be a fully licensed EU electronic money institution with the ability to receive and process payments in full compliance with the law. Users will be able to hold their crypto and fiat currency in a single wallet as well as convert them from one to another.Major cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum ERC20 tokens, and other popular cryptocurrencies will be supported. Currency exchange functionality, for crypto and fiat, will be standard for all currencies with 0.5% markup from the best available rate in the market. Having an EU electronic money institution (EMI) license will allow Safein to connect the SEPA network and give IBAN codes to all of our users. Having that available, Safein will be one step closer to becoming a standard instrument for daily use. Additionally, Safein plans to have payment cards linked to users’ accounts, so users will be able to use their Safein accounts daily both online and offline.visit https://www.safein.com/summary/safein_whitepaper.pdf

Standard Safein e-commerce commission for merchants will be 1%. Merchants who possess Safein tokens will be able to receive part of their payments free of any commission, and users who pay with Safein tokens will receive 0.25% cashback on every purchase. More on these Safein token benefits can be found in the “Token model” Section.


Safein team is currently in talks with the world’s leading automated ID verification service provider to provide exceptionally accurate results using its AI-powered document checking algorithm. Such checks, where users will only need to scan their IDs with their cameras and take selfies, will be sufficient for most uses. Some advanced verifications, where users need to comply with very specific regulations (for example, some cryptocurrency exchanges), will be done manually by the Safein team. It could take up to few minutes, but compared to current waiting periods of weeks for some exchanges, it is still a radical improvement, especially keeping in mind that users will only need to do it once.


We believe that our services will be desirable by both merchants and users.By employing our services, users would benefit by/from:

1. Being able to skip multiple time-consuming registration,s and gain access to any services immediately with no delays for identity verification or transfer of deposits;

2. The end of management and recovery of numerous user accounts with different passwords;

3. Ability to buy from a merchant offering the best prices or products rather than from the one user already has a verified account with;

4. Convenient one-stop shop for both, easy online access and payments;

5. Full and clear disclosure of what customer data is being passed on to websites;

6. Increased cybersecurity of their personal data;

7. A comfort that the company collecting their personal data (i.e. Safein) is trustworthy and will be able to protect it;

8. Significantly lower transaction fees as well as an ultra-convenient way to make payments in both fiat and cryptocurrencies;                                     

9. Increased anonymity, and protection from unwelcomed data mining and spamming activities;

10. Ability to instruct chosen networks to cease collection of respective user’s data as well as delete the data collected by the user;

11. Cashback as well as further rewards for loyalty and use of our services.


Safein allocates 5% of its total token supply for its Referral Program. Users who invite their friends to register on Safein will be rewarded the same amount of Safein tokens that the new user is rewarded from the Registration Pool. For more details please see the Registration Pool section. Referred users will only entitle their friends to referral bonuses if they fulfill all of the below within 90 days from registration:

1. Fully verified account and identity;

2. At least $10 worth of crypto or fiat currency deposited;

3. At least $10 spent on goods or services.


Safein’s success is based on rapid growth of the user and merchant base. Safein won’t be successful if it’s not widely used. Given that imperative, one of the key project priorities is adopting every part of the project (including token model, marketing strategy, business strategy and technical development) for a rapid growth of user and merchant base. Safein’s token model is designed to incentivize users and merchants to use Safein as much as possible.

The Safein team will use different strategies tailored for users and merchants. Our user base growth strategy initially relies on the Referral Program. This strategy was actively used by PayPal, Airbnb, Dropbox and other companies which managed to achieve viral growth.The initial user base will be achieved by signing-up users during our ICO and then be launching our referral campaign. 5% of the generated Safein tokens will be allocated to the Referral Program. With an initial critical mass of users registered during our ICO, our user base will grow exponentially. Starting active marketing campaigns in certain industries, as mentioned in previous sections, will allow us to demonstrate user benefit of having one single login for most popular websites. A similar example can be seen in the gaming industry, where Steam login is already extremely popular when it comes to websites where users don’t need to show their true identity or pay for goods.

Acquiring merchants in crypto and gaming spaces are easier with a very large user base and Safein’s benefits for both industries:

Should any part of the tokens allocated to ICO not be distributed during the ICO, such tokens will be returned to the company and added to its reserve for further development. In case of failure to reach a Soft cap, all contributions will be returned to their original owners.

N.B.: all values indicated in ETH in this chapter are subject to change before the start of the ICO in case of large fluctuations in market price of ETH.

The Safein ICO will be distributing 10% of the total token supply to cover the below costs:

Further development of our product;
Crypto payments functionality;
Smart Contracts for Login Pool;
Safein payment solution with internal transaction processing system;
Acquiring EMI license;
Onboarding at least 500 merchants;
ICO expenses and marketing.

- Token | SFN
- Platform | Ethereum
- Type | ERC20
- Price in ICO1 SFN | 0.07 USD
- Tokens for sale | 300,000,000
- Min. investment | 0.1 ETH
- Accepting | ETH
- Distributed in ICO | 30%
- Soft cap | 3,000,000 USD
- Hard cap | 21,000,000 USD

ICO funds allocation

• Developing cryptocurrency wallet and payments functionality

• Obtaining the Electronic Money Institution license

• Launching fiat deposits and merchant payments in EUR, GBP, USD

• Acquiring first 500 mid- to large-scale merchants

• Administrative, operational and staffing expenditures for 2 years

The Safein ICO will be distributing 10% of the total token supply to cover the below costs:

1. Further development of our product;

2. Crypto payments functionality;

3. Smart Contracts for Login Pool;

4. Safein payment solution with internal transaction processing system;

5. Acquiring EMI license;

6. Onboarding at least 500 merchants;

7. ICO expenses and marketing

Token Model

1. Free payment processing for merchants holding SFN

2. Each activity of Safein users rewarded with SFN

3. User base growth incentivized with generous referral rewards in SFN

Safein token features

• 100% free payments for merchants who possess Safein tokens

• Monthly cashbacks for users paying with Safein tokens

• Login Pool to incentivize Safein use among users and websites

• Registration Pool to reward new users

• Referral Pool to grow user base rapidly


For more information please visit the link below:
Website: https://www.safein.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.safein.com/summary/safein_whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/safeincom/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/safeincom
Telegram: https://t.me/safeincom
Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2903156.0

Username Bitcointalk: Syella.A
Profile Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1082840
ETH : 0x2a28aAC6A136b4ce4dF23f56327ED63600194919